Fergie Ferg

It’s going to take a while for the sting of defeat to wear off. In the mean time, people are probably going to fall into one of two major camps: 1) Bernie is Literally Jesus and if we had nominated him it would have been a surefire victory 2) Clinton die-hards navel-gazing over RAMPANT SEXISM and how it overpowers

We definitely need to reassess how we respond to dissenting voices. There’s a huge difference between a person deliberately using slurs and/or dog whistles, and a person who means well but just hasn’t learned (yet). People who are already openly bigoted are lost causes, IMHO, and not worth the effort. But there are a

Jail? For being political opponents?

Going by what I’ve read, apparently the new direction is to throw any minority concern under the bus in favor of catering to the working class white voter. Abortion rights, BLM, trans rights, gay marriage-mere identity issues! Forget environmental concerns or the reality of globalization... forget being honest about

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:

70 million people voted for Obama in 2008. 59.6 million voted for Clinton (she still won the popular vote). Democrats have won the popular vote in every election since 1988 with the exception of 2004. Democrats need to find out what happened to the 10+ million people who voted for Obama in 2008.

Rural whites in

Expect a lot of resignations then. I can’t picture working for Obama for 8 years and suddenly be okay with working for a cheez whiz goblin.

Learn how a bill becomes a law.

It’s because we don’t have popular vote. The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.

No psychic. Just someone with regular eyeballs that sees you making excuses on proof so you don’t just have to admit you’re an idiot. All good. Adieu ;)

Ok raise your hand if you read the whole article.