Fergie Ferg

I’m guessing this wasn’t the first time those kids exhibited racist attitudes. LOL At the very least, their Mom made her position well-known. There’s a very good chance Grandma intentionally got black Barbies just to see what would happen. Maybe she thought she would save the kids from being bigots with black Barbies.

I love that story, but also, your Grandma was trolling! XD Good for gramma, but trolling on xmas? With kids? LOOOOOOOOLLLLL. Grandma knew exactly what buttons to push. I mean... I don’t disagree with what she did but that was cutthroat!

I think now is the right time to talk about the KKK, racism, and bigotry in america. There’s been talk about a “post-racial” america. No, no, no. Just to be clear, racism is still alive and well.

I don’t think Jax needs a reason to break up with someone. He’s a dickhead. I actually believe Jax on this. I believe Kristin and Ms. Kentucky did hook up, but Ms. Kentucky, being from a conservative background, is ashamed of it, and this rumor would be damaging to her socially. Based on Kristen’s reaction as well, I

Even though Mike Pence is a fuck tard, I would gladly let that fuck tard take away a woman’s right to choose over watching Trump take away a woman’s right to choose.

Fingers fucking crossed, but after this election? ::table flip:: Nothing makes sense anymore.

You don’t change people’s minds during a campaign. You influence them quietly day-to-day.

This. And this extends to feminism, too. People who don’t have to deal with discrimination don’t think about what discrimination means and so they don’t understand words like heteronormative or gender bias, and when you call them sexist or homophobic, they’ll usually get recalcitrant. Instead of pushing someone away,

That’s where you’re wrong. Racism is just the scapegoat. The real problem is the economy. If you promise them a better economy they’ll go get gay-married after having an abortion and then drive their children’s undocumented kids to school without batting an eye.

You’re right; if she was a dude, people wouldn’t have had such a visceral distaste for her. She’s been a polarizing figure for years though, so it was really disappointing they decided to lead with her instead of say.... anyone else.

I feel like the problems with our elections is the same as the problems with feminism. You can’t jam your ideas down someone else’s throat. Have an opinion, be vocal about your opinion, but express yourself in a non-threatening way because you’ll alienate people who could otherwise be persuaded if you approached them

I’m going to give you partial credit for this. Working class is biting the hand that feeds them but it’s because that hand sucks at feeding them.

My car is 10 going on 11 years old. I don’t have car payments. It’s a clunker but it gets me from A to B!

I actually don’t have internet at my house. I have a cell phone plan where I pay $60/mo and get unlimited data. I can also use up to 5 gb per month on a hotspot. For $60/mo I have my cell phone and internet paid. Boom. I don’t get to watch streaming video on tv but I can watch youtube on my phone....

Why? It’s working for the Republicans. lol

Nope, sorry. People have hated Hillary for years. Even before she was first lady.

Riddle me this, batman: Why was Clinton hurting for the numbers so badly? If the democrats had run anyone but Clinton they would’ve been able to win this.

Jezebel missed the mark on this one by a lot. Fuck Jill Stein? How about fuck the DNC for running a candidate whom everyone hates? Fuck Hillary Clinton for being so selfish that she ran at the expense of her party. The DNC could’ve run a goddamn socialist in this race and they would’ve had better odds of beating

If you can get a good work out in on your own, more power to you! I work out better when someone else designs the plan and is hovering.