Right there with you. I honestly had no idea he was black, I always just picture Kenneth Parcell when I hear him on the radio
Right there with you. I honestly had no idea he was black, I always just picture Kenneth Parcell when I hear him on the radio
Theory pt. 2: They did this to better line the pockets of their corporate shareholders, and if the country suffers for this decision, oh well.
I completely agree. Anderson Cooper and Tapper are the only reasons I ever watch. Jake has been killing it.
They discovered they could fit six people on a screen at one time and its been downhill since...
They hired a bunch of Trump lackeys and other douche nozzles during the campaign, gave them equal time with normal people and are now reaping what they have sown.
Nor is it really host Baldwin, who, at one point after losing control of her own show, simply puts her head in her hands—presumably praying to make it through this segment in one piece.
Let’s see him do it without the gloves...
Sometimes jokes are funny because they subvert what is expected of reality.
I like this version of Jeff Sessions a lot more.
Isn’t that what Lena Dunham said after he wouldn’t bone her?
“And the gloves doing all the work are WHITE!! Just saying.” — Fox and Friends
Outstanding catch truly top shelf stuff, but what about that coverage is perfect?
dont see the big deal the gloves do all the work
His neat one handed catches almost make up for all the drama.
Hell yes it’s gross. I saw a post once about people who had sex on those things, so it’s not somewhere you want to be standing.
Easily the most inappropriate sexual activity I’ve seen going on at a subway since Jared.
I’ve never ridden a subway in NYC, so I don’t know how common this is. But putting your bare feet on one of those seats has to be gross right? Seems gross.
McGregor beating Mayweather would be the most unlikely thing to happen this year, but it would also be the least significant. And yes, we’re all fucked.
Really awesome race and I never expected the Americans to pull that off as I was watching it as there were several moments where they felt like they were just hanging on. Insanely impressive performance by both women.
Super run by Coburn and Frerichs. It’s been a strange, but very enjoyable, world championships. The bizarre piece of this event was provided by one of the Kenyans who forgot they were running the steeplechase on the first lap.