Only if it’s burning jet fuel! These construction companies are way too cheap to run their cranes on hi-test. 🤔
Only if it’s burning jet fuel! These construction companies are way too cheap to run their cranes on hi-test. 🤔
LOL. The best part is that in some of the aerial shots (or perhaps nearby rooftop shots), you can even glimpse the garage door of the FDNY Rescue 1 fire house, as it’s less than a block away from the building under construction. So, at least that was convenient!
As someone pointed out on another site, the dash design has sadly aged like milk, though that’s not really a strike against this particular Viper, just... all of them.
Those giant black rims are definitely the worst thing about it. Those aren’t even close to the 1995 factory originals, are they? Every actually-vintage photo I can find of a Viper shows more typically 1990s-era wheels (IOW, smaller rims with a lot more of the tire visible), and chunkier, three-spoke hubcaps.
Adam Smith’s curly powdered wig! Photographing the thing in that driveway, outside that house, just feels like a humblebrag all on its own. Yes, we get it, you have lots and LOTS of the funny green papers with dead symbols of the patriarchy on them.
I would even take a government requirement that ALL road mapping data needs to be collated into a single public repository so we don’t have five+ different companies all independently mapping the roads for themselves and their clients and we could instead possibly operate as a functioning society and act…
Yeah, “move fast and break stuff” sure takes on a dark undertone when you’re talking about a multi-ton pile of steel and plastic that can do 100+ MPH and break people.
Apparently it’s an EV brand from China, but yeah I had to google it too. It’s no different than saying “added KIA cars” or “added Hyundai cars”, but it sounds weird if you’ve never even heard of the brand before. (Who has two thumbs and didn’t know what a NIO is? This guy!)
Yup- plus there needs to be consistent tech knowledge of all road blocks and construction. I can follow a cop if he waves me to go to a center lane, turn around, go left, etc. Self driving might see that the road is blocked but I doubt it can follow his hand signals. There’s a lot of common driving situations…
V2X have mostly been abandoned anyways in the US, with FCC reallocating part of the band after automakers never bothered implementing it, despite having a standard for 20 years already. There is some movement to revive it with remaining bandwidth, but it remains to be seen if it is another 20 years of foot dragging…
Yet another reason to wonder if this whole Internet thing was a huge mistake.
If this universe were overseen by an omnipotent higher power, there would be no such thing as a Newark.
Funny how they’re willing to slash prices and make deals to compete with other airlines, but when it comes to competing with themselves they’re all, “How very dare you!” If their pricing was fair and sane, skiplagging wouldn’t work and nobody would do it. Who’s to blame here? (Hint: It’s AA.)
Wait, someone’s claiming they scheduled their Pride event so close to June as a tactic? Yes, how incredibly devious of them, to have a Pride event so coincidentally fall right smack-dab at the start of Pride month. What will these corporate panderasts think of next!?
“...I’m sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court]? And I say when there are nine, people are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.”
We JUST went through this two(?) years ago, with Beauty and the Beast. When you rail about “historical accuracy” being the reason there can’t be any out, gay Frenchmen living in a rural village nestled in the shadow of a castle occupied by a pre-Revolution-era nobleman who was transformed into a furry beast by a…
What’s this nonsense about the “first installment” of the Test Drive franchise having “released to XBox 360, PS2, and PSP in 2006"? The first Test Drive came out in 1987! I had a copy of its sequel, Test Drive II: The Duel, for the Commodore Amiga. (TD2 was the far superior game, after you availed yourself of the optio…
Doing that would require complying with the license terms, which means that in addition to crediting the source (which they already did here with the Getty image, and would do as a matter of course anyway), they’d have to link to the Creative Commons license, and (assuming they cropped that image to fix the awful…
As another commenter stated - what a weird article.
I certainly respect their decision never to discount their title, but their justification is bullshit. It’s the same dumb, blinkered logic used by people who oppose student loan relief because it’s somehow “unfair” to previous students who had to pay off their loans with no assistance.