
I’ve never understood the notion of “waiting until the snow stops”. I mean, yes, if you have to travel anywhere, then stay off the damn roads if it’s snowing! But if you’re clearing the stuff, whether mechanically or manually, it’s way better to keep on top of it.

“Rich, Corinthian vinyl...”

How marvelous.

You know, like box wine.

First you will need three goats.  Then, find and old priest, and a young priest...

The article is really selling the 1980s short, though, in its characterization of the process involved here. Typing in BASIC code?!? LUXURY!!! I can’t ever, ever seem to banish from the world behind my eyelids, the memory of all the hours I spent transcribing _literal bytecode_ from a magazine into my C=64's editor.

Hee! This is all I needed, I’m there. I 😍 Drax.

Shenanigans! You can’t post Marvel swimsuit special caps without including... that Namor page:

THORDIS is bigger on the inside!

I don’t know, I mean... Awakening, the first track Zack linked to, is a perfect example — of the problem.


...Can Muppets even read?

I mean, “Ringtone of the Daleks” is guaranteed to happen eventually.

place the mechanic villains squarely at the center of the narrative

Trump wont live to 90, that guy wont live till 80 with the amount of speed he does.

Now playing

Of course in a compilation like that it loses its effect, but it’s possible to make it work, and people will have no doubts as to your feelings on the matter at hand. You just have to really, really sell it:

Hah! Literally just yesterday I told a friend who’s in the habit of sending “OK” replies that whenever he sends one, I always imagine him doing one of these:

*Stupid Watergate

Fucking hell, not-Gawker! Since when do list articles show up on mobile like:

SRSLY, am I the only one who got that? I was all laughing_ostrich.gif, heres_to_you.png... then I come down here and all I see is “YOU DUMMY!”, as though it wasn’t exactly the point all along.