
This is good to read, and a hopeful take on the whole situation. But my worry is (this being 2018 and all), you may be jumping the gun with this take, when we haven’t yetlearned what lies at the bottom of the cliff[hanger]. I'm just saying, it's Parker & Stone... the denouement to all this could be something

I bless the threads down in A. V. Club.

Reid, we’ve talked about this... 😑

Wikia’s not really that neat. They started losing me when they undertook this big push to reimplement like all of their hosted wikis’ content in impenetrable, impossible-to-test Lua modules, instead of as Templates. MediaWiki themselves developed the Module feature as an enhancement to Template coding, since there’s a

I submit that dwarfANDpliers was not the one who “turned” the issue of gay marriage political. It was, in fact, the same people who are now pushing the narrative that every normal, red-blooded, heterosexual 17-year-old boy commits sexual assault as a matter of course, and shouldn’t be held accountable for it because

She is more “ride or die” than anyone I have ever seen—and to be honest, it’s commendable.

Hmm. Not sure about that argument re: Age of Ultron. I think it works far better as a criticism of Iron Man 3, before it. Though, come to think of it, both films did have a different fatal flaw in common: A villain that Just. Didn’t. Work.

(Thor: Ragnarok, that might be my pick for recent genre film where the director’s personal style most shone though.)

Deadpool was a very personal behind-the-scenes labor of love for Ryan Reynolds, but the result of that effort was a pristine translation of the Deadpool comics onto the big screen. If Reynolds put any personal mark on the picture, it’s only because he’s really just a character Deadpool has been playing for the past 15

“Sort of”? Why, it’s positively Un-American (apparently) to be all hung up on sissy nonsense like clean air, or being able to breathe. Why, in our grandparents’ day they rode their Penny Farthings to school every day, and the school was inside the smokestack of the local smelting plant. And they turned out

And whenever one of the little bastards turns 15, we ship them off to Army. They can learn to use their pew-pew guns against the Klendathu menace.

Thaaaaaat’s Godwin! *DING DING DING DING DING*

More from the Time[s]:

Sounds like one landlord I (briefly) had, who compounded the problem by deciding to rent us the floor above him in his rickety, four-story, wooden-frame house. He was also an early-to-bed / early-riser type, who ended up asking us to basically not even walk around the apartment after 10 PM. ...We didn’t stay long.

And, of course, all the very real supercars of the Test Drive series. (Of which Test Drive II: The Duel existed for the SNES and Genesis, and every iteration since Test Drive 4 has been released for some generation of PlayStation, at least.)

What does he care about NBA money, with all that sweet, sweet Avocado-magnate money he’s rolling in?

I’m going to assume that nobody’s mentioned the similarities to Civil War II simply because you’re all tactful enough to studiously avoid pointing out the blatantly obvious.

(Actually, I take that back. They haven’t done away with two-factor, just shifted it to only protect account details, not all sign-ins. I can sign in to the site and pay my bill with just my password, but trying to reach Account Management still results in a two-factor challenge. And SMS to my Sprint device(s) is