(Actually, I take that back. They haven’t done away with two-factor, just shifted it to only protect account details, not all sign-ins. I can sign in to the site and pay my bill with just my password, but trying to reach Account Management still results in a two-factor challenge. And SMS to my Sprint device(s) is…
I had a similar problem when I dropped my Galaxy S4 in a bathroom. My celebration that it didn’t fall into the toilet was quickly cut short when I discovered that the face had clipped the porcelain rim, and my phone’s screen was smashed into a hundred shards of glass.
Re: so-called “overcompensation”...
Bah, facts are passe. Please embargo this article until you’ve thoroughly vetted all of your opinions with the target audience. Can’t have you writing anything that might challenge someone reading it.
There will NEVER be a fondueassaince.
Oh, Margot definitely did plenty to sabotage things with Robert. Perhaps more out of naïveté than malice, but still just as much to blame for it. You get the impression from this (one-sided) tale that she’s aware of that, and it’s part of the reason for her discomfort and anxiety about the whole thing.
But the bigger issue is there’s no way the marketing team should have access to this kind of sensitive customer data.
Ask William Shatner whether being in on your own joke is a bad thing.
The only thing I’d quibble with is this:
Hmm. This would carry a lot more weight if I could still remember having standards. Even for my lexicon!
Thank you alot for refudiating the claim that “irregardless” is not a word.
I League of Legendsed.
I don’t think anyone’s advocating that you watch all of your TV that way. But, it is a good suggestion for how to incorporate a bit more TV-watching into your day without more hours planted in front of the screen. I already mostly watch The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, and Full Frontal while doing things like…
I always liked morning flights simply because my travel model (for any flights of significant distance) is to stay up all night packing and readying myself, head to the airport before city travel gets too busy, drop my butt in my seat on the plane, and ideally pass out before we’ve even reached cruising altitude.
This includes 2008's Godzilla and The Hulk (not The Incredible Hulk).
And you’ll spend the next 30 trying to find the pun in Space Ace.
Arthur, is that you? (If it is, please tell your Legends masters that Rip cannot keep bouncing back and forth from literal Time Cowboy to “Rip Hunter, Corporate Tool”. It’s just intolerable. Also, we want the fun version of the show back, where they do things like trap George Lucas in a trash compactor. This “Time…
Oh, yes, absolutely! And Donna, thank you for that reminder.