
Now, though, the BBC has revealed a few of the 13th Doctor’s “new friends,” including a guy who is apparently a new male companion—which, for people who don’t watch the show, is just a fancy way of saying “sidekick.”

A commenter yesterday got around to recommending Heavy Rain. Along with Mass Effect, and I have to agree there. Not that the bathrooms themselves are that great, but things like the bathtub weaponization project in Shepard’s Citadel DLC apartment really make you appreciate the allure of hanging out in bathrooms.

The video has been making the rounds on Reddit recently and is receiving the only reaction you’d expect for a lengthy fake toilet review: “I don’t know why this is so funny.”

And now I’m questioning why I would refer to the racist who inspired that post as “a fellow white person”, as if there’s some sort of fellowship there or I would want to associate myself with his bigotry. Fuck that, we’re not “fellow” anything. “This one ignorant ass on Assbook.”

Growing frustrated with one fellow white person’s racist deflections regarding crime and criminals, in the wake of 2014's protests, violence, and general unrest stemming from the Michael Brown shooting that summer, I spent the early morning of December 28, 2014 extensively researching and writing up a Facebook Note

Hulk’s first line here is so odd, I have to wonder if it didn’t start out as, “HULK SMASH SPACE ROCKS, THEN HULK SMASH BLONDIE’S PUNY HEAD.”, then get changed as they worked on dialing in the right balance of aggression vs. playfulness.

I don’t know your sister, so if you’d like to tell me all about how difficult it is being her brother, I’m here for you in the Outer Ring of Flareon Siblinghood.

“There, there. That must make you feel a reasonable degree of the expected emotion. You poor thing.”

Although, really, the old meaning was just fine, and adequately covered their obliviousness.

That’s a terrible password, you should change it to something less crackable. ;-)

You clearly have not been to the german wikipedia, the 2nd biggest one in the world. It is a madhouse of power struggling delete bots who fight for dominance.

Of course, when I click “Claim this business” at your old address I get this, so I won’t pretend it’s a foolproof process... :-/

Where are you trying to correct it? If you’re in Google Maps, the data there is primarily about the location, and your previous location’s address is still the same even though you’ve moved, so editing that location’s address in Google Maps isn’t going to go over well. What you’d probably want to do, if you haven’t

Enh. The wiki situation doesn’t strike me as quite the same, because:

“A few days” is definitely far too soon to see a change reflected, their process takes longer than that. My biggest worry is the possibility that, like Facebook’s Places Editor, they might require corroborating submissions from multiple users to drive “acceptance”.* I have 4336 Places edits in Facebook: 1988 Accepted,

(Possibly that’s because Maps is a largely crowdsourced dataset, and most issues are directly editable if you knew intricacies of Map Maker. I had much better luck with that, most of my corrections there were been approved. A few have been rejected, generally without explanation, and there doesn’t seem to be any sort

That’s okay, every time I’ve reported a Maps error, I’ve gotten an email several months later overexcitedly telling me that the problem had been fixed and I could see the updated data at [link] — in every one of those three or for instances, absolutely nothing had changed.

I think the next wave of enlightenment (the first being de-stigmatizing divorce) needs to be discouraging compulsory baby having in the vein of “We’re married so I guess we should have kids.”

I’m confused, aren’t you always looking at people from under your hair? I mean, that’s where my eyes are.

The point where I utterly checked out of Edelstein’s review was this miserable pun:

While you didn’t report the mean sex partners you did report the median. Which was 3.4 for women, and 6.4 for men for opposite sex partners. These numbers ought to be the same. Small variation could be reasonable in some instances (for various reasons) but large variation pretty much screams reporting bias.