
Well, it looks like it probably swivels/angles or something... but it also seems flimsy as fuck, I agree. Not to mention, the surface reminds me of the shitty membrane keypad from an Intellivision controller, blown up to compensate for the middle-aged eyesight of those of us who remember Intellivision controllers.

Hey, they had to come up with something to replace toll-booth transponders. After all, you don't want to stick some ugly beige box up on the windshield interior of a ride like that... that might make it look silly!

Problem is, any sort of lifestyle/image consultant can only help you if you want them to, because you're still in charge of actually listening to and following their instructions. I'm sure Deen has received copious advice on how to better handle these situations. And then disregarded it all, because she's Paula

*shame* I don't know who that is. :-(

LOL! That's great, and was definitely designed by someone who feels my pain.

I've seen #4 go by (no pun...) a few times now, it's a cute idea for perpetual snoozers. I'd simply sleep right through all of its perambulations, especially once it wandered under the bed or wherever and the sound was muffled. But I love the

"Obviously" there were three Jeopardy! contestants thinking nasty things about Alex Trebek in a Sean Connery voice, for the rest of the night.

Instead of calling British 911

"He smerr, he smerr-a rike-a man..."

And while we're on the subject: if you want to keep your underwear from having that same bunching, billowy problem, put them inside your pants and then put them both on at the same time.

That's actually the game of ROCKY: The Broadway Musical.

(What? Why would I be kidding about that. Now & Forever at the Winter Garden Theater!)

Smart-sounding idea, but I got a chuckle when I read it at the thought that something like keys falling from my hand would be able to wake me up.

I'm an insomniac and a death-sleeper (who's basically NEVER aware of his dreams, so I couldn't even tell you whether I'm sleep deprived or not), I have the "takes me more

Owen Good! Racism bad!

You show me a single case of someone using a video game to harm or kill someone — much less of someone creating a game which has as its sole purpose the inflicting of injury or death on other living beings — and we can have a conversation about this, because at that point we'll actually be comparing like things.


That theory, as with the one that the government created AIDS in a lab as a way to wipe out the gay community, is: Even if we accept that this would be an even remotely effective method for accomplishing that goal, you'd have to think it would have been obvious how utterly the whole thing could backfire on them.


The point is not "obvious", what's obvious is that you're misusing a term in a situation where it has no applicability. There's no etymology here. Nothing being discussed has anything to do with the meaning of any words, much less the origin of meaning. You don't get to just pull it down and say, "Oh, this is a

The biggest problem with that couch "hack" is that it's so specific to that particular couch. I don't think it's going to fly on my A-frame futon, or on 99% of the other couches out there in lifehackerland. (lifehackeria? lifehackington?)

But, honestly, power strips under the furniture — or in general — are

The crazier thing is, you apparently have to be positioned to millimeter tolerance to access the "hidden" entry path. I just spent at least 2 minutes trying to manually position myself to get back inside, after navigating around, and I Cannot. Do. It. The only way it seems to work is from the exact position and

It actually does work in the new Google Maps beta, there just isn't any visual indication (double-white arrows). If you follow the link in the article to the Google Maps Beta interface, then hit the UpArrow key ("move forward") once, you'll be inside the TARDIS.

At that point you can navigate inside normally, using

What's up with your username? Hey, let's make everyone explain their username!

Really, even that can be a tricky question. You want your router up high enough so that it clears obstructions between it and the adapters connecting to it, but not so high that the angle between them becomes too steep. Near the ceiling is great if you're accessing it from the same room, but it can cause signal