Eeyore was the only one in the entire Hundred Acre Wood who ever seemed like he had a damn bit of sense.
Eeyore was the only one in the entire Hundred Acre Wood who ever seemed like he had a damn bit of sense.
There's another important step in dealing with "negative people": Stop assuming they're being negative.
See also (and in my opinion, more relatable in): John Cheese's Cracked series on money & lack thereof. Including:
You can, but then You Too would sound like a Marketroid Troll spewing precision-engineered Buzzwords.
There's {warm|cold} air spewing out of my eyes! My EYES!
I'm going to have nightmares about that gearshift, now. *shudder*
I wonder if Dolphin's Add-On functionality is robust enough to support moving tabs back to the top? If so, I expect it won't take but a couple of weeks until such an add-on exists.
I just figured "CClearner" was a shady, low-rent knockoff of CCleaner. Like those "DURASELL" batteries you can buy on the street in my neighborhood.
*nod* Understood. I'm just so totally not a gamer. I think the last, and most advanced/system-taxing, game I tried to run was the Tales of Monkey Island playable preview.
Huh! Neat. I guess I'll have to consider unloading mine on a gamer one day for a little scratch, next time I'm ready to upgrade to something better! "Yeah, that's right, a genuine VH236H — that's right, from Asus — just like the ones you've always read about online! Hurry, n00bs and pwners, this choice piece of…
Now, that's how it's done! \o/
I dunno; I have a VH236H I bought because it was cheap (< $180 back in early 2010, IIRC — yay!), not because it was good. It's a serviceable "budget" monitor, and one I'm quite happy with considering my limited needs and how little I paid, but it's never struck me as anything to write home about.
I'm sure it makes me an unenlightened heathen, or at the very least a relic of a bygone age when people simply didn't know any better... But I muzt admit zat to me, "ze" juzt zoundz ztupid. (Zis "hen" zillinez az vell, zadly.)
Here's what you do: Pencil a nice, professional looking numeral "1" on the side of your white pumpkin albatross, find a little can of orange paint and a smallish brush, and voila: paint-by-number soup tureen kit! Gift to somebody you know who likes "projects". (Or who spends their time doing court-ordered occupational…
If the Olsen Twins ran the country, all elections would be decided by pillow fight. It would be a glorious thing.
If the desk is actually hollow (enough), toggle bolts work wonders. I discovered this when I finally got fed up with the towel rod in my bathroom loosening, bored out the screwholes in the hollow door, and shoved a couple of modified (had to shorten the bolts slightly) toggles through. I may have to tighten it up…
If you did what the photographer did with the iPhone 5, with the 4 (get down lower, and shoot at a more vertical angle towards the sung), you'll get the same flare from the 4. I guarantee it.
I know! I've always felt like using zip-ties on cables is a rookie mistake that everybody makes once, then quickly realizes they never, ever want to do again.
Right, you weren't supposed to click "Reply to this post", which should really be labeled "Post Comment". It's not a "Reply" button.