
Qualcomm is now clearly a front company for Samaritan.

You need to watch out for books and especially librarians.

Excellent choice, RoK.

Apparently they need to start issuing Jedi hunting licenses to regulate Jedi hunting and prevent the over hunting. They are depleting all our natural Jedi resources! And they don’t even use the whole Jedi, just their lightsaber as a trophy. Unlike Tuscan Raiders who use the entire Jedi.

Mining drill. Drill holes, insert sticks of Dynamite, light fuse and run like hell.

Here is the JWST in the jet. I was one of the Loadmasters on that mission.

It’s more like they are flying/skiing down the mountain than running.

It saddens me that I suspect that Halo5 is the point where the multiplayer aspects ruin the single player experience.

Now playing

I’d argue that. Could a Spartan do what that intro shows? Yeah, probably. But they wouldn’t do it in that way. Those Spartans looked too... floaty. Do much like dancers, it all looked choreographed. If you compare it to, say, Monsters from Halo Wars, where the Spartans moved with solidity and weight and fought with

An Air Force flight once requested Flight Level 600 (60,000 feet). The controller laughed and replied “If you can climb that high you can have it.”. The pilot answered “Roger, descending to FL600”. It was U-2 returning to its base after a mission.

You will have to read Red Storm Rising (Clancy’s second book) at least once and you will have more than enough testosterone to get your card back.

Good movie, better book

After they got about 30ft away the dental floss connecting their cups broke and communication was lost. They’re all just chillin submerged 30ft from dock trying to send carrier pigeons but they keep drowning. Fuckin pigeons.

This is almost too perfect to be real. Fantastic job, cosplayer. *high five*

I would love it if this were an annual tradition after con season every year.

The trailer also looked like everyone’s having fun. I think that was the hook, actually.

But why that should happen butt-to-butt rather than belly-to-back is still a mystery.

My uncle built one of these!

He has a few stories about his kids calling him up from camping trips, telling him they ran out of bacon. Next stop, Bacon Airdrop!

He’s also paid his rent this way, once. (Landlord next door had a basketball court, called him up, told him his plan, and nearly made it in the net.)

This is goddamn beautiful.