
I grew up in Newburyport, Massachusetts, and people used to say YEAT or YEAT THE BUN with some regularity which basically meant... yes, or that's great, but also sometimes meant... the exact opposite of that. It was weird.

I'm a dirty rotten holdout when it comes to a map and compass. I learned this skill from my dad in my early teens. One of his favourite "teaching strategies" was to have me in the hills somewhere, give me the map and compass, and get me to show him where we were and how to get where we were going.

On further thought, he might have to alternate that Oscar with Samuel L. Jackson at the least. If he walked up to me wearing the coat and eyepatch and told me SHIELD needed me in the Middle East, I'd probably be on the plane before I thought "Hey, wait a minute. . . "

I think the retriever would do a mite better job then most politicians. He'd be loyal, dedicated and would want to make everyone happy. I just don't see how such a good natured creature could win though. The retriever's opponent would probably try something underhanded during the election like throw a ball or

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The BAH-fest is one one of the best things ever.

This is awesome.

John Oliver's crew just did more Investigative Journalism for that one show then ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and CNN did in the entirety of the past 12 months.

I seem to recall superglue is also good for minor lacerations to help prevent infection.

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When are you going to start covering some REAL robot action? How about the FIRST Robotics competitions. Teams of high school kids build robots to compete in non-destructive interactive games for global domination.

No no, that's not what I am saying. I am saying they should be totally autonomous; NO remote control commands (except maybe just to turn them on). They should have to have onboard sensor suits to try and detect their adversary. Making a robot that was designed to camouflage into the arena would be a totally valid

They made an airplane. from junk.. and flew it...

Junk Yard wars was the best fucking show!

On one hand, our future robot overlords are going to use this against us.

Yeah, a bunch of wedges and lifters banging into each other until one or the other has a control malfunction is the kind of lame shit that got the show cancelled, back in the early 2000s.

I am working on a big Phantom piece!

Nope, just the J-79 engines doing what they do best: turning JP-4 into smoke & noise, with some thrust as a byproduct.

Reminds me of this (which ended in tragedy when the F-104 drifted into the Valkyrie)

Who makes the sheets for these things?

I'll go with Weather.gov. Nothing beats the triple threat of Amount of Precip., Snow Amount, and Ice Accumulation graphs on the Graphical Weather Forecast during the winter months for deciding on when to bail on work...