

Try not looking in the mirror while tying it. Much easier to get by feel, then trying to watch yourself.

People think the Sheepshank and the Sheepshank-man-o-war are magic.

A noose is really just half of a double fisherman's tied on itself.

On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes you need a truckers to come apart even easier than the normal method (so you can yank it apart when skiing past at 20 mph for example).

It's really good practice to be able to tie any knot you might use often with your eyes closed.

Bowline on it's own isn't an `overnight knot`, aka you can't tie your boat up overnight with only a bowline and be pretty sure that you're gonna find it in the same spot in the morning.

If there is one, it's not like I'll be able to see it after everyone stars their cars up and is trying to exit. #driveinproblems

No ADCPs for them!

National Center for Atmospheric Research.

Thanks for directing people towards professional instruction, instead of trying to regurgitate a course into a post (dammit Wes).

Call after initial search attempt, unless you are inbounds and have a direct number for patrol dispatch and have a very accurate description of your location (and known by a lot of the patrol member/dispatcher, so they know if they should be keeping you on the line to clarify anything, or if you know your shit).

I just disappeared into PetFinder for an hour, and added two events that a local sled dog rescue is doing to my calendar.

Walk 50 feet after the first person going down the trail. They'll pick up a cloud of the bastards like Pigpen.

Never had an experience with a brown or it's cousins, but most of my direct experience with blacks have been totally calm or hilarious (not even counting The Bear of Chimney Pond story).

For moose, one the key thing to remember is that they are incredibly nearsighted. Past about 25 ft they can't make out that you are a human, they just know you're alive and relatively large (therefore either a deer, another bull that wants to steal some cows, or something that wants to eat them).

MSR (Mountain Safety Research a part of Cascade Designs) is the brand. The Hubba series is a line of their tents. Hubba - 1 person, Hubba Hubba - 2 person, Mutha Hubba - 3 person, and Papa Hubba - 4 person.

I'm not sure they get much rain in Steamboat or they have anyone who works for them over 6 ft (or they just have a couple different special rulers) but I pull out a monster L.L. Bean 4 person tent or a tarp over my Big Agnes 2+ if I want to stay dry or sleep well these days.