
BA made an eVent tent with a similar pole structure to the Fly Creek that was a 1.5 wall design. Towards the door it was regular two wall, but the mesh and fly combined half way down. The eVent version had a large panel on each side to help the single wall section vent.

Pamola's pretty chill actually.

At least the beginning of the text of the boy's story was formulated by Samaritan.

Remember the kid is just spouting off the words that he is fed, just like Root. He is putting his own weight on things. They aren't robots, but much more like the hostages in Sherlock's The Great Game.

Just because the name of the town starts with a B and ends with Harbor, does not in fact mean that is is Bar Harbor. You've got to keep driving.

You missed that Korra did some of here best diplomacy of the season: Convincing Meelo to stay behind on a stealth mission.

Don't worry to much with specifics of other fields. You can probably fill most of the 80 min with your path. If you tried for specifics you would end up down the Wikipedia style black hole of 'Geology > Geomorphology > River Incision > Glacial Outburst Flooding > Upper Arkansas River Valley Jökulhlaup > Explaining

It's very interesting how much the Andes attenuate the Eastward propagation.

Ya, too much weight and hanging will suck with pretty much anything short of a real big wall harness, but using flat webbing is a hell of a lot nicer than rope. Just make sure it doesn't fold over.

You can make an incredibly comfortable swiss seat out of webbing, especially when you are a tall and lanky bastard ('what do you mean I fit a size 1 harness, I'm 6'4"!').

I forgot how much I hated those moon boots. These guys apparently know.

In my small boat I definitely can't fit a Paco. I might be able to fit one in my Stinger but I would probably have to throw out my tent and sleeping bag...

Is it weird that my first response on seeing the picture was to think 'What's a rimed up refrozen crystal doing on io9 (and not from Mika)?' then read the description and click through?

I don't have a full on camping hammock, just a Walmart special. I usually throw my NeoAir underneath me, and then carabiner the hammock so I don't slide off of it when it gets cooler. I've tried using my Downmat, but it just folds in one spot and makes for a weird night.

Ya, they're pretty heavy and bulky for anything but rafting and car camping, but it seems evenly split whether my car camping buddies are going for a Paco or a Megamat these days.

Metal spoon heated with a camping stove, and just lightly tamping down rather than smearing. The outer layer of cardboard got damp, but everything else stayed dry.

During student orientation last year, I taught my students about ship survivability. They built a double seamless hulled, multi compartment cardboard and duct tape masterpiece and then sealed the tape with a heated up spoon.

Exped DownMat 9 or NeoAir All Season + Schnozzel Pumpsack = happy sleeping for me.

Fur Sir still graces my bed as a pillow. He doesn't really fit on the bookshelf as he is large enough make the ticket guy at the drive in theater try to charge me for an extra passenger.

I'm pretty sure that it just wasn't picking up audio from them due to their locations (In a car with all goodies turned off...) not because Root managed to program something to cause it to loose the feeds.