
I was on a geology trip that went through San Diego and ended up dodging wildfires. We drove into the city (after a couple screw-ups in Death Valley) and had to detour and dodge a couple of emergency crews. On the way out of the city we got a very worried call from a parent. Apparently both the campground we were at,

I got cranky about not having great access to Canadian seismic data.

It's kinda like Shield crossing over with the Winter Soldier, except you know, real life.

Just calmed down around here up 302, but it's been holding around 100 knots at Jonesport.

Yes, yes, this right now, dammit!

Not for long with Quebec Hydro and 49 MW projects.

A group of New England skiers/weather nuts started naming storms a couple years before hand, mainly so we could all be discussing the same system when there were several headed our way.

I'll be in my bunk.

Theres an app for that. It's called spending 20 bucks for a Delorme Atlas and Gazetteer at the next gas station you come across.

There seems to be a week or so spring and fall when I shed enough that people think I've got a dog.

Great Big Sea is always relevant.

Usually the distance between a slackline's endpoints don't change while you are walking it. As the distance between endpoints change the frequency that the line wants to vibrate act, and you are having to counterbalance has to change.

Many of the strange looking LEGO fire trucks are modeled after airport crash trucks.

You live in a mirror universe Denver compared to the Front Range that I experienced.

The transporters and the rest of the ship would be way better off if the crew left the computer alone. The computer would probably get pretty lonely however.

More just having gotten out of the shower and wandering over to breakfast than intent or thinking about the weather. Usually my hair would freeze on my way across campus during the less than 1 min walk.

Yup. Warmest I've seen my car thermometer in days was 25 after sundown here in Maine. Tuesday morning is gonna be messy and make me really glad I can walk to work.

-40 is when I got yelled at by teachers for wearing flip flops around campus in high school. I find once it gets below that I don't really notice the difference as much.

The key fact that wasn't included in the description was that the penguin was tied to that spot.

Thanks! Now I know just what to call the sense I'm messing with when I bust out my highly feared wake up method.*