
I'd be the nut driving around with a boat on top. It probably won't be too happy with some of the shuttle roads though.

If it's like my experience with last weeks patch Tuesday, there would be a 10% chance on the bot's tokamak blowing and vaporizing the neighborhood during the install.

'tis only a flesh wound

...be tasty.

Also my first thought.

It's still long enough that my first response to:

huh, I think I only had one steak in Argentina that was that done, everything else was more towards medium

Poor XRD. Ours has survived years of geology undergrads throwing stuff in there, so I wonder what they did.

That depends on if the BMW prick buckled up before the accident.

I feel like it get's exponentially worse the closer they get to Trader Joes parking lot. What is up with that place attracting horrific drivers?

I'm more disturbed by the fact they chose USB-B. I want to be in control of whatever I'm plugging in (even if it's gonna hurt like hell each time I try to plug in in upside down) not be the sucker at the end of the chain.

A: They're having trouble hitting a relatively large island that's not so far away, which makes the whole idea of them managing to nail a dome half way around the world a pretty interesting one.

Damn, there went my dream of finding one cheap, and stashing it in the North Maine Woods with no registration.

Damn, or Keck funding went towards a bunch of shitty PCs for a GIS lab.

You must ski at the wrong places then. Skied onto the lift (well, waited for the lifties to come out of the shack) every time I got down last time I was inbounds, maybe saw 75 people over the course of the day.

Do you have standing orders from several mountains not to leave tracks for the public to follow you into the glades too? Sounds like you ski trees the same way I do.

How about bringing back Weather Radio in cars? Could also go and change it so instead of having FM 1, FM 2, FM 3, AM you just have Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3. Let people mix and match FM, AM, and WX within their presets.

I thought the ability to get the Challenger sideways on demand came standard.