
Sure, but even that pessimism has a good bit of optimism, as it is stating the belief that you can actually change something. ;)

And that's a shame. Pessimism only weighs the world down further and breeds suspicion of others. Pessimism is the greatest way to keep the world as it is.

Sure you could assume that, but unless you make the recipe, it's only an assumption. I think giving them the benefit of the doubt is a much more reasonable and measured response to something like this.

Just let AT&T run the country's cellphone service. They'll grow tired of it within a week.

This makes some sense. Everyone knows those example shots are hardly ever unique to the website posting them, and sites photoshop those images anyway. To remove the bones is just to give an impression of what the dish may look like. Perhaps they made it and it looks similar but don't want to professionally


So it'll only run on XP and Windows 7? :D

@SkipErnst: I... am actually somewhat okay with it. It just needed more glitter effects.

All I hear all day long at investors' meetings is how great Apple is at this or how wonderful Apple is at that.


I would agree with this. And the large disparity between rich and poor. Too many people do not get to share in the natural resources of their nation while their kings spend billions of dollars on a barely-usable tower that will act like a massive sundial over an entire city.

For a long time, much of Saudi Arabia was believed to be pretty quiet, but there has been a rise in earthquakes over the last few years, especially in North-West Saudi Arabia. Last year, they had tens of thousands of small ones and just a few ones you could actually feel. They believe there used to be a lot more

Woah. That's a big building. How would they even construct something that large without serious wind and earthquake concerns? Not to mention the massive shadow across the landscape...

@SinDonor2: Agreed. That was pretty darn great.

heh. I was mainly referring to this commercial for their facility, as everyone working there was Aryan stereotypes wearing the same clothes like they're some example of a supreme race.

Yeah, this is sounding more and more like a bad idea.

True, true. Not to mention unwanted attention from hungry homeless people. hm..

Well, thanks for talking about it. I respect your decision to leave it. I agree that society is too hypersensitive in many ways, but we also can't allow that opinion to cloud the fact that taking physical actions against a student should never be tolerated. Sensitivity or not, some things remain wrong, and sadly,

Do they already have this as a perfume?

I agree that the student should face some kind of disciplinary action, but considering there was an unnecessary physical confrontation, the student is well within their rights to file charges against the teacher. Not respecting a teacher's authority is never justification for physical punishment, especially for a