
@Master_Soda: No, no. It's actually gonna turn out just fine.

You're just jealous.

@spline9: ha. Don't give them any ideas. I'm sure they just looked at those tools and laughed at them, assuming their own superiority over anything that security firm developed. It is definitely a nice article on the subject.

I beg to differ, Ma'am.

Woah. I think that party actually just took a turn for the awesome after Maeby Funke showed up.

@CraigJW: Actually, it is more aptly called a question and answer engine that can manage -many- search engine results at once.

It is simply the classic dilemma between the relative commonality of gaining knowledge and the rarity of truly understanding that knowledge.

Because shutting down Facebook and the Internet in Egypt worked out so well for them, right? :P

I actually prefer the damaged sculpture. It's far more unique.

It's a g-g-g-ghost!!

@wheelx: Always love a Fido reference.

Watson may be Victorious...


Sure. I'm not against them necessarily improving glass to be extra-hard. It just has to come at the same time as new safety measures such as that. :)

hmmm True. Then, I guess I'll just have to use the ones modified in. Though, just because it doesn't say they will does not mean they won't include it. ha

Sweeeet! Finally! Anime Subs on my phone! ^_^

That's okay, Caturday! We are all having difficulties! :) *hug*

Again, Caturday, as I explained to xredgambit, those are percentage chances in individual categories of independent algorithms. Thus, they do not add up. My reply with more information explaining its thought process and multi-tiered analysis engine may just be hidden to you.

Exactly! I wish they'd lay out that fact, because a PS network on it would be great. :)