
There would have to be free samples.

I am so disgusted by the fact that I live in the shitty South. But Indiana isn't even the South. What is wrong with this country? Do you have to live on the west coast or New England to have the majority of people not be assholes?

I did not realize that. Thank you.

It wasn’t obvious to me. :-/ Maybe I’m just dumb, but I’ve been frustrated with this a lot for a while. Sometimes it’s a PC game, sometimes it’s a console game... but it’s almost never mentioned, and, for people who are only hearing about the game from reading this article, it’s really a mystery.

YOU CAN'T HAVE A VEGAN CAESAR SALAD. That's the best thing about this comment. :) I've heard people (hipsters) make that claim and I absolutely LOVE to tell them that there are sardines in Worcestershire sauce.

I really wish that when you (and not just you; all of the Kotaku writers) wrote about games, you'd take a line to mention things like the release date and ESPECIALLY what systems the games are available for. It's annoying to read about something neat and then have to google for information that would have been easy to

In other news, water is wet and fire is hot.

This sounds terrifying already.

And that's really, really stupid. White should not be the default skin color that everyone has to use any more than male has to be the gender that everyone has to use.

I don't think that there's anything wrong with wanting to play a character who looks a specific way, even if your criterion for choosing the race is that it looks like you do. We encourage minority children to get away from white blonde dolls and find beauty in the way THEY look.

Has there ever been a case of requiring a man to be sterilized for not paying child support, or murdering his kid, or just about anything outside of maybe child rape?

I haven't laughed so hard at SNL since Steve Martin was a regular.

No, we really don't. We want to be able to do our thing, but most of us believe very strongly in the separation of church and state. We don't want special privileges and we don't think that we're better than everyone else. We just don't manage to be as loud as, for instance, the Baptists, because we don't force

I'm so tired of blaming all Christians for this bullshit. Some of us actively work to support LGBT rights! Some entire denominations do the same! Actively!

None of my cats have ever shown much interest in pizza—just in the uncooked cheese when I'm preparing it. I do have a great memory of toasting my very last bagel, spreading the cream cheese, leaving the plate on the coffee table while I go back to the kitchen for a glass of juice... and returning to find a bagel with

I live in Tennessee, and this entire fucking state deserves to be glitter bombed.

Even if you are actually a woman, you're an idiot. I know for a fact that wearing a bra makes me much more comfortable during and after literally any physical activity besides taking a shower. If you're a woman and that's not your experience, bully for you, but don't try to tell the rest of us that we're doing it

I remember playing Magna Carta: Tears of Blood on the PS2 (which was terrible; my review is here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps2/921279-mag…) and, after I got done marveling at the fact that almost every character that appeared to be a woman was actually a man, thinking, "Wow, they sure put a lot of effort into

I'm just gonna start drinking this early. I live in Tennessee, and I KNEW this was coming. I can't even blame this on Hydra. We are just a really shitty state that deserves to be killed with fire, just like Florida.

I thought the official Catholic line on suicide was that you have to be mentally ill to do it, so you're not responsible for what you did.