
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. You are right on the money with this one. There is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING more frightening to these jackass Rent A Cops and State Sponsored Bullies than a BIPOC that KNOWS the law and isn’t afraid to use it.

“A white man...was captured via Instagram video arguing with two people—at least one of whom is Black—about how BLM is comparable to Nazis in World War II Germany.”

unfortunately, they will help that guy’s business sales spike now that he has been “outed”... 

Yeah, how much you wanna bet that somebody has previously walked in that idiot’s store with either a mask or an article of clothing with the “stars and bars” (confederate flag) on it, and that racist prick said diddly squat?

Being a liberal, minority gun owner is a fucking trip and every time I walk into a gun store I feel like I’m in enemy territory. The day I walked into a shop to buy my first (and so far only) gun, I shit-you-not there was a dude in the shop talking loudly about how Sandy Hook was a plot/ “false flag” orchestrated by

lol...you’re killing me

Oh man, there’s a lot that we are totally aligned on.

I know my seditty ass is not gonna be holding out for The Renaissance International Man of Mystery. I’m gon’ be a big ole slut!

Yeah, okay. Sure. Funny how his post didn’t say anything remotely like that.

Defund the police is the compromise position.

Has anyone seen anything that clarifies if the white guy who called in the brandishing was “aggressive” and “obstructing a police investigation” because the wrong guys were being excessively detained, or because the cops hadn’t summarily executed the ones he selected?

You might want to recalibrate your sarcasm detector.

Sometimes when we’re out shopping, you know, all normal like, we note how quickly the Negro Patrol swings into action - closely following us, standing by while we browse and select, etc. Asking if we need help when we clearly do not. I always have to restrain myself from shouting that there isn’t one damn thing in the

Stop pointing out racism. You know that it’s racist to point out the racism. This was just police doing what they are paid to do. Just because there was no weapon found or actual reason for them to be detained doesn’t mean that they didn’t intend to do something criminal sooner or later - you know how “these people”

Sure, they call us animals and insist it’s not a slur, but they get all offended when we call them pigs.

Jesus H, that’s a lot. I lost both of my grandmothers in a ten day period shortly after my 28th birthday. It completely sucked the wind out of me, over seven years later I still hate the time of year surrounding my birthday because of the associated feeling of loss. To have so much loss in so short a time, I wouldn’t

“I mean, I am reading off of the script my union rep gave me.”

“You see, I was referring to the fact that the stresses and indignities heaped upon people who live in the inner city by the modern late stage capitalist society we live in wears down those people, and exhausts them to the point that they are unable to summon the energy to make the sort of long term decisions that

Celery juice of celery powder. Which are potent sources of nitrates.

And/Or marinate that chicken with spices so the heat and flavour doesn’t disappear after the first few bites.