
We absolutely have to find a way to talk! How about we do email? Pick a time/date and put it in our avatar then quickly delete?

Are you ME?! Seriously?! I read Precious when it first came out and I was SHOOK! I couldn’t even discuss it with anyone cuz I worked with all whites and my few Black friends were truly not ready for the LEVELS. Like you, there are a few books & movies that I don’t need to revisit or can’t in good conscience,

I write such long comments and share shit that happened to me, literally without embellishment (actually leaving out many additions!) to kinda help my people know WHY I say the things I do and so that the gentrifiers can recognize themselves and stop thinking Blacks are unduly sensitive. To your point, I’d NEVER

Sadly, even I get caught giving whites the presumption of innocence now and again. My only defense is I was thinking of being 20-21 and catching my white coworker’s adopted 12-14 yo son skipping school about a half-mile from where my car was broken into. She then found he had money, electronics & cds he shouldn’t have

Let one more thing, I mean ONE.MORE.THING. happen and government’s hand will be forced! They’ll have to do more checks and moratoriums to keep white chaos off the streets! We know it’ll be white chaos cuz they can’t handle fabric over their noses, taking care of their own kids all day or not being able to drink and

Except in small, relatively safe little suburbs. Just like any other career, there are only so many middle management positions in an office so the unambitious are fine getting their 20&Out in the lowest tier $70k+ (after 2nd year) with annual COLA raises. Especially when any time they need a little extra dough, they

I’ve lived in predominantly-white suburbs for a long time and It. Is.KNOWN that white teens and 20somethings and 30+yos visiting and wandering through (unaccosted wearing their black rock-n-roll tees and hoodies and rocking long, greasy hair, mind you) view suburban car-picking as almost a thing nice people do as a

You know Harriot left, right? O.G. Root Commentariat are all discombobulated and not as sharp without the ascerbic wit of the Mailbag Clapback holding us down and bolstering us up!

Why is no one mentioning that someone from that household CHASED down the burglar and, as is mentioned by someone on the recording, someone thought “go and get a gun” and “it’s very important”?! This family shares the mindset that chased down and killed Arbery! For a car being rifled through?! Whites have done that to

I’ll choose to focus on remembering Ms. Colvin’s young, courageous person contribution to history! These long after the fact empty gestures are nothing more than a misdirect from the calls for more substantive moves for justice. When her life is well beyond the stage where lenders, schools, employers and governmental

You’ve given me The Many Lives of Somebody Granger and now bell hooks and as soon as my life stresses even out, they’re on my reading list. I had ordered the Granger book last year right when things spiraled out of control so I didn’t pick it up.

Hey girl, my sleep pattern is all off but wanted to get back to you. I think I read Mia’s book too! I also took a class for foster parent continuing ed in ‘04-05 that went into ‘tickling’ as (I forget the term) a gateway into sexual abuse often utilized as a first step for predators under 18 discovering themselves


There is absolutely no need to advocate for de-greying. None. Trying to level the playing field does not work in all instances. Sometimes, many times, maybe most times, the underdog needs the inordinate amount of power allowing the previously powerful a good long rest in frustrated, screaming helplessness and

I’m gonna skip Madonna, for now, because I’ve gotta go soon. But I’ll read her ass for filth this evening, fer sure!

Honey, you tryna make me write a book here! It makes me wanna join social media but I fear I’d have a rage stroke arguing with idiots! I only have a problem with the word female when they use it to deny even the modicum of the ‘respect’ given the word ‘woman’.

My condolences on the passing of this important person in your life. I’ve come across references to her in others’ writing but have not read her myself. I know, bad feminist!

It pains and embarrasses me to admit that as much as I’ve read all my life, I missed and avoided many Black authors, including bell Hooks. Maybe of I had, I wouldn’t have felt so isolated in my thinking, so alone in my approach. I mourn the passing of bell hooks for these selfish reasons as well as the loss to the

I very much approve of this stance. I just hope the gov’t gets some innovative legal minds in on this, Untouchables-style. You can’t fight the new, looser forms of leadership and alliance in the same old ways because snakes are wily. Just as law enforcement had to think outside the box to bring down Italian mobsters

May all your future endeavors be successful and prosperous, Panama! You can be proud of the work you did with VSB and the community you helped found and foster. I’ve only been here a few years (though I dearly wish I had found y’all sooner) but your work really helped change my mind and bolster my spirit about the