Came back after watching Passing to say I thought it was very good too! Well thought out and well-done all the way around! The black&white cinematography was a gorgeous choice, as was the way she used sunlight and shadow.
Came back after watching Passing to say I thought it was very good too! Well thought out and well-done all the way around! The black&white cinematography was a gorgeous choice, as was the way she used sunlight and shadow.
Darius Raqqah, you’re flagged and dismissed for posting pics of dead children! To try to impugn my character by lying you have ever seen Me, or any iteration of FlamingFeminist or FeministOnFire, insulting dead Kosovan children is a damnable, despicable nay criminally insane way of trying to flame me.
You have NEVER seen me, a former Amnesty International Freedom Writer for political issues around the globe (!!!) insulting any Kosovan victims nor victims of any sort except those who try to put their American experience on-par with Black suffering in this country!
I was also underwhelmed and disappointed in The Harder They Fall! Talk about Amateur Hour! I should have known from the opening credits when every production job was filled by the same dude in the vein of Tyler Perry!
But before you allow any sympathy for Minaj to settle too deeply into your spirit, remember that (MINIMALLY!) she sought out, found and retained a lawyer to help her hubby (the convicted rapist). The very same initiative, energy and money which she could have put to use to find a therapist.
Not to mention that police have a Duty (if not OF CARE to the public) or whatever the wording NOT to be opening fire without regard to their surroundings!
I guess I know some of the songs he produced(?) but really only from tabloid I super psychic or does he just look like a super dumb fucboi with a lot of idiotic ideas and no concept of fidelity?
I thought Chrystelle was a goner, for real(!), this week if for no other reason than she keeps using the same ingredients (miso and tahini) in every bake! Paul disappointed me by not mentioning that since his worldview seems to be to PUSH talented bakers beyond their comfort zones!
If Paul were so disposed, Lizzie celebrating her educational/developmental issues would have stayed. I don’t think Paul didn’t liked her because she was so vocal in saying she wasn’t trying to learn finesse and dismissing his critiques so confrontationally (and in the interviews). That is insulting to someone who has…
I seem to recall some baker presenting food that had dropped on the floor and Paul & either Mary or Prue saying they wouldn’t taste it. I don’t remember if that baker left but I remember that happening because I thought: I’d rather lose honestly than serve anyone floor food! From carpet directly in front of the most…
As a person with a legal Arabic surname, I don’t recall suddenly living discrimination-free after 9/11 (my birthday, BTW)! Neither me nor my Black brother (nor Indigenous people) received our 40 acres, forgiven student loans, equitable pay nor refunds for the thousands of dollars I personally have paid as a Black…
Allow me to assist you: Indians in America may talk about being othered and call themselves POC but let’s keep it real. For all the ease of your welcome & lives here in America, you may as well be white (see Visa % !). You may have been teased about your lunch, your one parent’s clothes or celebrating different…
Absolutely correct. Don’t underestimate the U.S. calculation that the former English colony would be continue being invested in caste systems and desirous of the ‘American dream’. Of all the brown groups they’ve tested, the Indians have worked out best.
The Unite The Right-Charlottesville trial is going on right now. Their slogan? “You will not replace us.” Dwindling white birth rates around the world(!) & populations plus their unwillingness to work farms (at least not cheaply). BigAG cheap labor force of Latino and S. Asians are being threatened by U.S. sentiment &…
I could not love Farhadi’s A Separation any more! It deserved all the Oscars! About Elly is even more of an ethical tangle. As a fairly judgmental person, these films, more than anything else I can name, have opened me up to shades of culpability. This is one film I'd brave sitting in a theatre for!
Mmm, ok Chad. If you’re single and have gotten your demons under control, know that there are a lot of women who love a former military man. And not just for his pension!
If the racism my father and uncles experienced in Viet Nam hadn’t been so virulent and prevalent; and if as I grow older I didn’t keep running into other Black vets who can’t HELP but blurt out their horror stories to someone willing to listen, I’d still be a proponent for military service.
What’s the status of Ms. Young’s lawsuit?! Every post about this case’s egregiousness should update us on when she’s getting her millions!!!
I want to like Gina and her comedy more because she’s funny enough. I hope her memoir explains why, despite her generational trauma experiencing racism, she chose ‘healing’ with a white partner and to create Bob Hearts Abishola doing the same thing. It’s the White Savior trope being perpetuated by a Black Queer…
How old are the direct descendants of WWII vets, though?! Certainly retirement age. So probably not going to anyone’s college or with active income to support getting a first-time mortgage. Then there’s this little fact that my 1940's-born father learned firsthand: many Blacks born in the South were born at home and…