
When I saw that you wrote this headline (and subsequent article), I heard “Only YOU can cover Megyn Kelly Today” in the voice of Smokey the Bear. So there’s that. Love you Bobby! Never stop never stopping.

This x100.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

And yet, that awkward dance is way better..

I want to punch this concept in the face.

We covered slavery thoroughly in my Texas schools. Hope it’s stayed that way since I’ve graduated high school.

Why are we even dragging the troll out the greys?

Yes, it’s the woman’s fault for all of this. You’re totally right.

The end of that trailer! Now I don’t know if Cher is channeling her inner Gaga or Lady Gaga has always been doing her best Cher homage.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have released their official engagement photos. Unsurprisingly, they look great.

Red Ragtop is a legit gorgeous song, but very poignant. I actually feel very similar about Eminem and Ed Sheeran’s new song River-I got so depressed by the end when they terminate the pregnancy. (I had to make a similar decision 16 years ago and they hang with you, even if it was definitely the right decision. Maybe

Now playing

How many times have I heard this song and paid no attention to the lyrics? I’ve already had an emotional day, so I’m trying to hold back the sobs. Might listen to Brick next just to finish me off.

I’m sorry... who?

My father, after the air force, spent his career as a commercial airline pilot, mostly on the Airbus A-320. My parents lived all over the world after accepting a job in Australia when I was 19. In the early-2000s, after a stint in Venezuela, he answered a call from an old co-pilot and randomly lucked into a position

Say what? Pilots and taxi drivers are in the same category?

Corporate pilots definitely have their most and least favorite regular passengers, and they remember who doesn’t tip.

I’m loyal to a fault when it comes to those damn housewives and will continue watching. Plus, I’m lazy as shit.

Here’s why I enjoy James: I hate him in almost the way I hate Trump, but with James it’s fun because EVERYONE IS IN ON IT but James. And unlike Trump, he usually gets his comeuppance in a public, humiliating way.

Hey, punctuation is how we separate ourselves from the animals. A simple declarative sentence can only take you so far.

Next time, my advice would be to stop beating around the bush and tell them straight-up how very Not Cool it is to use self-harm scars as a badge of honor. As a matter of fact, I’d even go ahead and admit that you weren’t sure how to react at first, but state that as much as you want to be understanding and