
I actually do see Hillary’s gender as a point in her favor—having more diversity represented in the most powerful positions in our government is a valid and important end in and of itself. It’s just that that one point is vastly outweighed, in my eyes, by all the points that go in Sanders’s favor when it comes to

I mean, I have no real stake in this argument, but clearly Steinem and Albright weren’t saying “Vote for Clinton because uterus!” they were saying “Vote for Clinton because she’s fought for woman-friendly/anti-sexist policies and will continue to all the way to the top.”

Uterus: starts with u and ends with us.

That Obamacare and Sanders universal healthcare? Hillary was ripped to shreds and told to sit down and shut up about it in 1992. So, no, she didn't come up with it after someone else did. Those men she pandered to got credit for HER work.

Bless your heart. What did she do that makes her seem power-hungry for power’s sake, other than being a woman and running for President? Why do you (presumably) not feel this way about Bernie?

“Where do rainbows come from? I guess we’ll never know.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are living in a very different political landscape than existed even twenty years ago, and Hillary Clinton has been in the political landscape for nearly forty. In that time, she has been unwavering in her commitment to poverty relief, children’s welfare, and women’s

It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.

Will this never cease to be the truth??