Well, since Republican voters go out of their way to shoot themselves in the face and vote against their best interests, it seems appropriate their chosen congressmen will do the same.
Well, since Republican voters go out of their way to shoot themselves in the face and vote against their best interests, it seems appropriate their chosen congressmen will do the same.
if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.
No nude selfies?
I had a similar thought. She says that part of the evangelical experience is a relationship not only with god, but with other individuals who do not yet know god. STOP RIGHT THERE. You are pursuing a relationship with someone who does not want a relationship with you. That is creepy and wrong. Don’t be that guy who’s…
Undoubtedly this piece was written for the sole purpose of evangelizing.
Also, they love feedback that reinforces what they already believe. They don’t want to be confronted with anything truly critical.
I agree with DragonsDaughter that we hear about evangelical beliefs all the time, and that they are tremendously supported in our society. I think the disconnect comes from that privilege being shattered, when you move from your safe haven of believers to a world that does not believe what you believe. Then, perhaps,…
YES. All of your comment, and particularly this: “how arrogant, how hurtful is evangelism at its core!”
Speaking as a queer person, even the liberal progressive evangelicals often pull that “hate the sin love the sinner” toxic bullshit.
The core of evangelism is running around and telling other people that your system of beliefs is correct and that theirs isn’t.
Being an exception to a rule doesn’t make the rule any less fucked up
Christianity in this country has always, from the very beginning, had a huge persecution complex, regardless of the amount of actual power that they hold in the community or their proximity to people actually being persecuted. The idea that it is strange for people in the “mainstream” to be out and proud about their…
Okaaaay, but why? Like, I’m glad that this author is a well-adjusted person with happy memories of her childhood and adolescence, but I don’t really see how that contributes to the conversation.
Barf. I know Willow Creek Church. The people I know from there are all very “nice” as long as you are exactly—EXACTLY—like them. This reminds me of Shauna Niequist, also from Willow Creek. I dare you to read one of her books without throwing it across the room. This essay is exactly like her writing: shallow and full…
Right... except that evangelical churches are actually full of vultures desperately hungering for someone to put a toe across Jesus’s sacred line of acceptable behavior so they can cast them out and relentlessly shame them.
Are you me?
That’s fair. But that is YOUR depression. My depression allows for company, as long as I sense they aren’t trying to snap me out of it but do genuinely care if I have eaten/slept/have enough blankets etc
Hell yea. I always get paranoid and offended when people come over because I’m depressed. Like, what, did you think I was going to hang myself? Bugger off ! I'll call you when I'm better lol