We’d all be best served sending both of them to explore the Van Allen Belt for a few weeks.
We’d all be best served sending both of them to explore the Van Allen Belt for a few weeks.
You mean, if you weren’t this guy, McLendon, or Ken Lay or anyone like them, and you were facing years in prison, but could afford to buy the prison you’d end up in, the courthouse that indicts you and most of Broadway, you wouldn’t at least entertain figuring out a way to fake your death and retire to a private…
Um, no. You name your club, but everyone knows the first rule of the club is not to talk about the club. That’s 40 year old man 101. Just like the Kabbalah Kids from the Promised Land. ...Oops.
These ladies plainly misunderstand the nature of the Lucifer AND of Hollywood. Are they oblivious that they do his bidding and feed the beast with their vitriol? Stupid whores-for-satan(tm) need to follow their leader and turn the other cheek.
I don’t think Spike undertook the film as an exercise in engineering of the real world. I think musing is exactly what art does and should be expected to do. If it is good, it installs a spirit (muse) in your mind, so that said spirit might offer an echo when the real world job of engineering is presented. I don’t…
So, if I understand correctly, your criticism concerns the conceit of the play, not the adaptation. The film may be bad, but not because it attempts to describe the power that pussy wields over men.
Yup, panderers pander. Except interestingly, Bernie does not. And that’s why the endorsement for him a generally disaffected and always dissenting artist is news.
Spike Lee is a cultural icon, a celebrity and an independent artist of acknowledged impact who has helped shape the world views of a generation alive today. Mfume, however good he may be, is a bureaucrat at the head of an entrenched institution; his endorsement doesn’t mean nearly as much, because of the commitments…
You do understand that it was the allegorical interpretation of an ancient play, right?
All humans are “dogs that are distracted by shiny things.” You couldn’t otherwise explain television, the internet or bedazzling, and most everything sold under the banner of fashion.
That’s the joke. One of the defining characteristics of fascism, and modern leadership in general, is the projection of internal frailties onto an external subject class. Hitler being a jew and so forth. To attack fascism using political correctness is, ironically, to unwittingly support it, because fascism flourishes…
Can we assume you won’t approve of calling Hitler a retard or a fag, too?
Since when is Jezebel a music blog? And why isn’t this just up on Gawker proper?
Consider the general vaguery of archeology’s finds until recently - serendipitous and spotty surveys of the earth’s surface wherever someone happened to find something over the last 400 years - and what that means for our data-set that composes our calendar of ancient history. It becomes clear how little we can be…
Everyone you quoted by Ritchie is a presumed idiot. Ritchie speaks as a professional.
Well, Scalia would be an improvement over prior targets, Michael Hastings and the American/Yemeni preacher and his kid. Of any possible Presidentially targeted assassination, this is the one I’d be kind of ok with. But if it was assassination, it wouldn’t have been directed by Obama, but probably by the Clintons or…
“...if you’re gonna sit on your high horse and claim its a conspiracy, don’t be intimidating witnesses” conduct your own counter-conspiracy.
Upon surveying the content of Mz. Sears’ Instagram, how can anyone with a straight face pretend for a moment that the vast majority of her pics are not choreographed as implicit solicitations of dick-pics?
Good clarification, thank you. But wouldn’t “national security” necessity (secrecy in armament transport) trump national DOT regulations and the actual safety/security of the people and land of the nation? I just have trouble trusting the military since, I don’t know, 1947 when they conglomerated and created branches…
a warhead can go through a John Travolta no problem.