Darth Penguin

Potency means little with opiates, because unless it's a combined agonist/antagonist (where at higher doses it starts blocking the opiate receptors and preventing them from activating further) like codeine, users with even a moderate tolerance can simply up the dose to get an equivalent level between different opiates.

Nah. I'm liking this slow-burn arc where Clive is going to end up being revealed as the 'real' Moriaty.

This. Mulder's character was at his best in the early seasons, where he quite regularly took a half-step over into nutjob territory. Later on, he's always proved right, which made him less interesting - in the first few seasons, he's right about the aliens AND a conspiracy-obsessed nutjob who very much needs Scully to

If you want to see the purest distillation of all the strengths and weaknesses of the British format, watch Utraviolet. No, not the Kate Beckinsale movie - I mean the brilliant UK vampire miniseries. It's a cold war setting, with a team of human intelligence officers trying to make incremental intelligence gains

It's the sexualisation that gets me. I'd never associate Mario fandom with Mario sexual fetish. Which is deeply disappointing to me, being half Italian (and southern Italian at that). But so much of Sonic fandom seems split into two categories with significant cross-over - ordinary nostalgia-obsessed videogame fandom,

There are few things in life so painful as watching the youthful heroes of my childhood playing the 'older generation' roles in a YA movie.

Worth noting that Zimbardo himself seems to have come round to the dominant external interpretation of the study - that it's less about people's tendency to go 'Lord of the Flies', and more about how readily people will display brutal behaviour if the system's leadership (in this case, himself) designs the system to

No, but the interest in the study isn't about whether it means people go 'Lord of the Flies'. That might have been Zimbardo's interpretation, but anyone studying the experiment is studying Zimbardo's behaviour as well.

Yeah, but the interest in Zimbardo's study has always been more nuanced than that. Zimbardo might have taken it as a 'everybody can become a monster', but the reason the study is still so widely examined is that if you include Zimbardo's actions as part of what you're studying, it becomes a rather interesting

Yeah, but here's the thing. Did they drop out of the course en masse? Did he have to threaten to cancel their course credit? Did they all march over and complain to the faculty? Did they simply refuse?

Thing is, even the various skews in the methodology only make the findings LESS extreme, but not even close to 'uninteresting'. Sure, the more authoritarian/aggressive kids were chosen to be prison guards. You could argue that this was balancing out the massive bias AGAINST violence/authoritarianism, in that these

The problem with Rose Tyler was that the show so clearly expected you to absolutely LOVE her, 100% agree with her 100% of the time, and to absolutely LOVE the idea of Rose and 10 getting together. If you found Rose occasionally hypocritical, her various 'Rose suddenly goes from having no tertiary education to being an

I too hate people who fudge their dice rolls in Monopoly.

Just wait til the 392nd - it bends back to funny again!

There is one, massive, structural change though. People stopped paying for music, it went to shit, then they started paying again, but not nearly as much, and with a focus on individual songs instead of albums.

[shrugs] I would. In every position you've heard of, and a few more that you haven't. And I'm not even all that much into guys these days, but I'm willing to take a few dozen for the team if it means another Bryan Fuller series.

Really don't get all the Chuck hate on these forums. Given the quality of writing, I don't see how you can make out that his serial killing is a character flaw. Each person he kills is presumably as unsympathetic, irritating and outright boring as everyone else on the show. If anything, he should be doing penance for

One writing rule which would instantly and dramatically improve Heroes, though not to a great enough extent to overcome all the show's other weaknesses: whenever the show introduces a 'bad' potential future, IT MUST F————- HAPPEN!!!!