
And every day some fat piece of shit makes a comment like this after (maybe) wiping the cheeto crumbs off his fingers.

Well, Wylie knows a thing or two about winning wars... Truman’s decision to drop him on Nagasaki ensured Allied victory in WWII

What a hypocrite. He’s been stretching that shirt out for YEARS. 

Sorry, he threw 52 pitches in TWO innings?

Don’t do this.

I can’t believe this Taiwanese baseball league is just going to act like the First Amendment doesn’t apply to them.

It’s a shame, heard he was really hoping to get a chance to play in Thailand instead. 

The issue isn’t fighting the fires so much as getting to them. They’re usually up in the hills. No roads, no water, and lots and lots of dry brush. Imagine a house fire where the firefighters have to climb over every building on their way to the fire and you’re getting there.

Machado about nothing.

I would like to apologize. You gave a very good answer, but my comment was a font joke. A sans serif font joke to be precise.

no Boba Fett movie, no Obi-Wan movie, and no Solo spinoffs.

Ooooh, I got a zero. Apparently that’s the best.

What is autopilot for?

The last time a baseball contract was structured this way it was because the owners of the franchise had so much investment sense and were making so much money investing that the deferred money would be covered several times over by the 8% yearly returns their friend Bernie Madoff was getting them.

I think it completely obliterates the notion that you need “pitchers” to begin with. Clearly anybody who is a great hitter also has the capability to be at least a mediocre pitcher, instead of the automatic BP machine so many of them are.

Everything about that pic screams “dad who you hope isn’t home when hanging out at your friend’s house.”

Happy to oblige. Forgot to mention: my Pop-Pop dubbed her Bessie, and she is my beautiful perfect girl.

We were out to dinner with my father in-law. He told the waitress his order, then pointed at my 12 year old son and said “and he’ll have a shit sandwich”.

Yeah, everyone blames Amazon for killing brick and mortar but all the debt the LBOs piled up had as much (if not more) to do with it as Amazon.

I remember years ago there were fears that iHeartMedia (aka Clear Channel Communications) had too much of a hold on the radio broadcast arena, that they dominated a significant portion of that industry and could impose their agenda, philosophy, political leanings, etc on the general public. Now, how quickly they have