I stand corrected ;)
I stand corrected ;)
I think this is half true. Cops are allowed to question a kid without parental presence, but if a kid asks for his parents (or lawyer) than the cops have to wait till the parents arrive.
It’s fucked up that a kid has to request a parent. I mean the cops did wrong, but most 14- year olds aren’t up on their miranda rights. And, more generally, if a kid did screw up s/he may be more afraid of calling her parents than dealing with the cops, especially ones pretending to be friendly.
I’m pretty sure that’s assault.
But bringing up a procedure that may have health impacts in the same breath as an article talking about a process that does have health impacts waters down the argument. I can point to a list of products and procedures that are probably not a good idea: tattoos are literally putting inks that are not FDA approved and…
Hair is dead. things that harm hair are harming a dead thing. Cutting your hair also harms it. When we’re talking about health, saying that a thing damages a dead thing is not the same as talking about health. Are you talking about scalp care?
I don’t do leg days etc either, and I still thought your post was incredibly tone deaf. It’s hard enough to get women to do weight bearing exercises.
These are not the same chemicals. Lye based relaxers while incredibly caustic are actually benign, in terms of overall health effects. You just can’t get it on your skin, and obviously if you leave it on your hair for too long it will break and damage the hair. But applied by a practiced technician, not too…
Great for you, doesn’t change the fact that your post pretty much eviscerated the concept of physical activity. Actually, makes it worse: do what I say, not what I do.
I actually am. I just don’t enjoy the cultural messaging that equates physical activity with lack of joy.
When I love someone I want to be touching them. I’m like this not just with significant others, but also family. I’m only not like this with friends because it’s been socialized out of me. It’s not possession or control, it just feels like a different form of communication. I’m also someone who really likes the…
Till your body turns in on itself because of severe osteoporosis.
Thank you
can I ask you a sincere question while meaning no disrespect: did you actually get an education at Liberty? Do you feel better and more learned after having gone there? I guess I’m asking the question of if liberty actually educates it’s students. I know it’s a weird question, but from the outside it always felt like…
You realize politics works the way it works because we set up this system right? And we can dismantle that system... i’m not saying it’s easy but you know we used to be ruled by a king.
I also don’t think Bernie is trying to win, honestly.I don’t mean that he is not trying to win, I don’t really think he cares if he wins. I think he’s reached his boiling point in terms of what America has become and he’s running to make Americans think differently and force candidates to behave differently, and stop…
I don’t know how to frame this without sounding completely like a dick but here goes. Unless you’re an absolute racist, there’s no way that you could think that the Jews, the Gays, the Gypsys and the people not quite aryan enough had it coming during the Holocaust.
Sorry, I was actually referencing these:
That sucks. Ibuprofin is definitely my drug of choice. Oxy in your situation makes sense.
Clueless. As in the film.