This is a really simplistic breakdown.
This is a really simplistic breakdown.
Are you serious? Because I saw him in dinotopia and was like is anyone going to explain why this biracial kid has white parents? Same conceit in Prison Break. he LOOKS biracial. His dad is West Indies and all mixed up and his mom is white English. I think
The thing Kara is trying to get at is that it runs deeper than skin color. There was a woman in my dorm freshman year that all of the white people thought was white and all of the brown people knew she wasn’t. People like to go on and on about Dean Cain being 1/4 Japanese but he’s never looked totally white to me so…
It depends where in Europe. England, Northern Europe, Ireland things aren’t so bad. In my limited experience working in France, for example, things are worse.
Your use of the word “chosen ones” is particularly appropos as the offender in this case is Jewish. I was going to register supply side Jesus on twitter but apparently it’s already taken (though little used):
This is how people of color and people who aren’t from the right background get overlooked. Because of “fit” issues.
I work in an office that’s primarily women but in a company that is predominantly male (over many branches etc). I have seen the queen bee effect in full force, so much politicking it’s insane, women stepping over each other and undermining for promotions etc, and I think what the study obscures (or Jezebel’s…
*delegitimize* his maleness... last night was a long night.
I think you mean ‘equate’ not ‘equivocate’ since I wasn’t being vague or noncommittal.
The article talks about a woman who held a vagina named abortion event that got criticized for being exclusionary for using the word vagina, and a Vagina Monologues show that was also cancelled at Mount Holyoke for not being inclusive enough and representing too narrow a frame of womanhood.
Except that while internally Jenner may have been a woman, the way Jenner was treated and the opportunities that Jenner was given were the result of male privilege. Jenner has spent her whole life as the recipient of male privilege. And, while yes, since she isn’t male there were significant personal, emotional costs…
message is *unacceptable*
It would be racist, I’d be pissed off, and I’d take my business elsewhere. You mistake my agreement that the bakery can say “we don’t write that” with also believing that the message in question is acceptable. I don’t. But either we’re for free speech or we’re not. Either we find the notion of a bakery refusing to…
I fucking loved the stand and own the book (but not the movie)...
That doesn’t change the fact that most women are better off not having one. Just as most women are better off not having a c-section. Obviously some women should have a c-section, some women should be induced, and some women should have an episiotomy. These procedures, however, that were initially designed as case…
That meconium is not sterile is actually a recent thing - it’s been thought as sterile for pretty much forever, but recent studies say this isn’t true. That said the biggest risk for when it gets into amniotic fluid is aspiration - not bacteria. If you breathed in diahrhea you’d probably have a hard time breathing.…
Your explanations are based on schools of thought grounded in deductive reasoning and are not experiment based. We think this is why critters do it - we don’t know it. And it doesn’t explain why camels which ostensibly face the same risks, don’t eat their placenta. It also doesn’t explain why apex predators (like…
Until I was 18 or so almost every adult in my life except for those who taught me at school were people for whom English was a second language, but not necessarily the same second language: Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Arabic. And technically, English is my third…
KFC it’s only the chicken that was the same all of the sides and stuff were different.
In an operation this size it’s probably hard to separate the two since their website says they only hire 20 bakers. If none of the bakers want to write that message what is the bakery supposed to do?