
Staten Island (a place I’ve been to exactly twice) actually has three kind of awesome things (outside of you know like the birthplace of half of Wu Tang):

I disagree. That’s what the staten island ferry is for (not during rush hour) with the added bonus that you can drink a beer. But what do I know? I went to the statue of liberty like six times between birth and thirteen years of age (school trips! ) and never since.

I did not fight in the war, but as a 12 year old (the first time I went) that wall scared the shit out of me. It was just SO MANY names. I actually dislike a lot of memorials (not because they’re not bitching enough but because I feel like they’re clouded in other things) but for me the Vietnam Memorial really

This doesn’t make sense for a different reason - namely if her husband is the issue than IVF doesn’t actually make sense unless his injury decreased his sperm count, but even if it did IVF would be the last course of action not the first. We tend to use IVF as a blanket term for all fertility treatments when really

Bill Nye and I share an alma mater and towards the end of my education he was (I forget the exact name) but “professor at large” where he’d come in, crash classes, do cool lectures all that jazz. What I’m trying to say is Bill Nye taught my astronomy class once.

Catholics get a bad rap around these parts (for good reasons) but one of the (only) things I really appreciate in the church(es treatment of rape and sexual assault) is that if you’re raped and were a virgin before you were raped you’re a virgin after. Intent matters. And when I think about kids like Emily Smart

Based on the experiences of my African, Maghreb, and Jewish friends in France I’d hesitate to call it freedom land.

I created a burner just to respond to this. You know LED lights exist, are already in wide use and you can already be purchased somewhat reasonably priced for your home? In the US most stop lights have switched over to LED’s not just because they use less energy (and last longer) but also because if a single LED burns