
@Formerly known as: "The people who evangelize Android are starting to sound like those iPhone fanboys."

@lowtolerance: OK, OK. I used to close apps that were open for no good reason, but I'll try leaving them alone.

@rothgar: But that's the point: WebOS and iOS do it best because the updates for them aren't carrier or manufacturer-specific - they go for everyone.

@lowtolerance: "there is no need whatsoever for a task killer"

@Lord_Data: Nokia too. What's your point?

@butler360001: "Windows Mobile has stacked up on this chart for a loooong time"

"Release/Update Consistancy; Winner: Bogus Catagory

webOS is indeed amazing. Phones with webOS, however, are not.

@zaghy2zy: He's talking about modern mobile platforms, Symbian and WinMo do not count.

@CreepinJesus: Do you mean WinMo 7, which is still a few months away from being released, or crappy ol' WinMo 6?

@yeahman: Wait, so I have to mount Skydrive in my PC? And folders... I don't get it.

@gpzbc: It is. The final, RTM version will have this enabled. For now I'm trying to make it work, but no luck. User yeahman explained to me how, but I can't make it work - see if you can: [lifehacker.com]

@Cribbage Left: I'm NOT gonna make a joke involving penises and you, so don't even try making me do it.

Oh Adobe, always making our lives easier.