
I f*****g hate Linux!

@TheFu: "rebooting a computer is necessary and sometimes beneficial"

@ripfire: Just go to "Indexing Options" in the Control Panel, click Modify and uncheck the folders with all those raunchy videos from "I Love Toy Trains".

@dsh: "Wrap it in a lettuce leaf", says SuziJane, who took this picture.

@EndlessBliss: Thank you! That, and thermal paste, should do the trick.

@lugsy: I swore never to dismantle my laptop again. Too much work, too many steps and fragile-looking wires and teeny-tiny screws to deal with again. I'll probably pay someone a few bucks to spare me the trouble.

@1112: Bought it December '08, so it could be a thermal paste problem! (By the way, it's this laptop.)

My laptop overheats. The cooler's clean, the processor's not running on 100% (also, I use Process Tamer), the vents are not blocked and granted, it never crashed from overheating. But it has an AMD processor. Yes, it is bound to overheat — it reaches 100°C when playing HD movies, according to Core Temp — but isn't

@whiteflea: Try Twidroid. And if you get really addicted and you don't have Motoblur, use Twidgit on your home screen.

@Buster Friendly: I'm not a fan of Seesmic, I think Twidroid does a better job, mostly for one thing: it's easier to access links in tweets.

@soggy_cheerio: And it needs an option to always show replies. I liked it the old way!

@Chaim Chaikin: Yeah sure... First people wanted extensions in Chrome to make the switch, now they want ALL Firefox extensions in Chrome... Once that happens, people will make up yet another reason not to switch.

@jah: A great source for candles on the cheap too!

@tc4001: You can get the newest pre-alpha versions by visiting the blog's main page: [my.opera.com] and clicking on the first blog post.

@EtrnL_Frost: I hate it when people seem to disagree with you but end up saying exactly what you said before!

@cafegurl: This calls for Study Hacks!

I'm testing Flash 10.1 beta on my Windows 7 laptop, but it doesn't work with every Flash video player, so I resort to my Vista partition to use it. The same goes for a handful of programs. Is there a way to load my Vista installation in 7, like in a virtual machine?

@5erge: The Internet: home of procrastination.