How wonderful for her.
How wonderful for her.
My mother made me wear my brother’s hand-me-downs and cut my hair short because she couldn’t deal with styling it for me (to be fair, my hair does suck.) Everyone thought I was a boy. Had I turned out gay, I could have said “WHAT DID YOU EXPECT, WOMAN?”
As an academic woman of color married to a white male academic, I can unhappily attest to this. My spouse has been called “brilliant” “genius” and what-have-you. He’s a great guy, very smart and an awesome teacher. But we have the same training and I have been told “the teacher has a lot of knowledge” exactly once.
Hey, laser pointers are nice and all, but there’s nothing like having things pointed out by an erect penis. Can’t do that, can you ladies?
My parents dressed us in hand-me downs that made us look like middle-class Indian men till we were around age 12. Mortal embarrassment apart, my sister and I turned out fine. We are also happy to inherit the money they saved not buying us crap.
“shrill” – defined as “the rising shrill of women’s voices”– and “psyche” – for which the example sentence is, “I will never really fathom the female psyche”. “Grating”, defined as “sounding harsh and unpleasant”, was illustrated with the phrase “her high, grating voice”, while the adjective “nagging” used the…
I have a theory that Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t actually have sex with the huge number of women he brings back to his room, he just really likes board games.
I can see the point that young children aren’t necessarily ready to understand that...
Can’t wait for Ganeshram’s next story about those great blankets the white man gave the Native Americans.
“their place of fitness” I'm going to start referring to everything like this. The Mexican restaurant is now my place of tacos.
I rewatched some SATC episodes over the holidays and the show has not aged well. But I never liked the Big character to start with. Not my cup of tea.
When I discussed the Bechdel test in a film class for college seniors my students got really, really riled up. One of them even mentioned it in their evals, saying that I targeted white men and the class should have been taught by an older white man.
My response to a baby announcement is general enthusiasm because I am happy that the people who want kids are having them.
My first reaction to a baby announcement is nothing. I don’t get excited - how could I be excited? What do I know? A baby could be terrible news for this particular woman/family - and I don’t get sad for the same reason. I hear it for what it is, a fact. Like a weather announcement. People think that’s really cold,…
I feel the same way when I found out someone is pregnant. I still have to force a “Congratulations!”
I’m really sorry you’re going through all this, but I think it’s crazy to tell women have have babies by age 30. I didn’t even get married until I was 31, what should I have done, popped out a baby at 22 with some random guy I had no feelings or connection with and then been a single mom while finishing college/going…
It’s such a no-brainer!
Finally! A pregnancy test on your phone! I have some questions though. So I downloaded the app and peed on my phone a few minutes ago but nothing’s happening? How long should I wait? My phone sort of fizzled and went black and now it won’t turn on. Is that part of the fun?