mutated undead cells I think.
I'm blown away that you can just buy that. What purpose would it serve?
Its called saving green. I highly doubt environmentalism played any part.
I'm impressed.
So is Aperature, but it went from being $300 to $79 when it hit the app store. If it isn't Final Cut Pro, don't call it Final Cut Pro. Were it a new Final Cut Express I could understand.
@Irving94: Final Cut Pro is part of Final Cut Studio (which includes Compressor, Motion, Color). It was an expectation that Final Cut Pro X would have the same abilities of Final Cut Pro 7, plus more. In reality much was taken away. However, if you shoot with DSLRs, it is awesome. If they had called if Final Cut…
Montréal bagel. Superb.
"Nobody has a right to look at your screen without your permission". I think they do if it is in public. Maybe the "peeper" is looking at the screen wondering why you chose to put a giant light in front of him and is wondering how to tell you to put it away.
Its too bad that cops are above the law.
Vancouver is not so nice. Imagine we judged USA by Detroit?
Macbook Pro 17" 2.8 Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, SSD. It crashes when you try to do any of its fancier imports where it converts to 422, scans for shake etc...
@crichton007: I agree too.
@pwheeler: My Drobo has crashed on me twice. My Synology, 0. Just my experience.
@TheNobleRobot: Exactly. I new version should be as feature intense as the last version and then some.
@CPD: You are right. I read up on the changes and since I edit mostly small projects and shoot primarily on a 5D I bought it. Unfortunately it is very crashy and what it claims to do well, it doesn't do well. For example, the background processing doesn't happen in the background. It takes all of your resources…
Let me know when you can fly with your dignity.
@FlyingAvocado: The "rape" that he is to be charged with (he hasn't been charged) isn't like the violent rape that you imagine when you hear the word. He is being charged for something along the lines of convincing women to have sex without a condom. Seriously. Look it up.