
@pjcard: Im not suggesting that no security measures be put in place, but I do wonder where they stop and I think it has already gone too far. Would you agree to a stripsearch to buy groceries? It sounds like an extreme example, but 20 years ago had I asked "Would you agree to a naked body scanner or extremely

@pjcard: The intrusiveness of this is an issue. If we accept these machines and tactics at the airport, we invite them elsewhere. How long before you need to go through one of these to get on the subway, or a bus? Soon they will be in every government building, then in private institutions. Then what? Blood tests?

@kalleboo: Im paying that for 25/1 The best upload money can buy here is only 7.

@kalleboo: woah. how much does this cost?

I didn't understand anything about that video.

I want the night vision goggles and I have no idea why.

Correct me if I am wrong (as if I had to ask), but isn't this about a normal amount of taser uses per capita?

The biggest drawback of Dropbox is its inability to share. If you have 100 GB, and share your whole folder with someone else who has 100GB, you collectively have 100GB. If 10 people pay for 100GB, they collectively have 100GB. As soon as I find an alternative, I jump ship.

@ps61318: they are still at outrageous prices.

@FREEMAN_TSINQ: Canadian taxes are not considerably higher than US taxes as far as I know.

I'd pay more for Netflix for better content.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: my favourite is the guy that turns the wide open corner in to the guy who for some reason was just standing in the street.

@Skid-Vicious: True, but it isn't as though there are alternatives.

@FREEMAN_TSINQ: I asked everyone I know here in Toronto. All of them were charged $0.

@Alfisted: you make a good point. Who stole more from the hospital? This douche or the manufacturers?

@vel0city: I felt a little let down too.