
Unless Google rolls out its own data this isn't going to come at a reasonable price. Carriers are in business to make money. Voice and text are a better business than data. Why would they freely give that up?

I pay for experts-exchange, online backup, Hosted Exchange. and Astraweb (thanks Lifehacker). These may not seem to fit the category but there are free alternatives for each. I would pay for Hulu and professional content on Youtube, or anywhere for that matter. Like anyone else, I download my movies and TV shows.

Does dropbox support multiple copies (like time machine)? I've been using Data Deposit Box (It's Canadian). The cost is terrible compared to others but the service allows me to store up to 7 copies. I'm using the free version of Dropbox now, but I'd really like something for the business. #onlinebackup

and just for US residents. When you use Google earth does it show you everything from Washington to Florida? Is there a black space outside of that? #streamingvideo

so what will XBMC do for me? Will it connect to network drives and look for media? What about streaming from the net?

@rawfan: hostes exchange is even $12/m per addy and you get 2GB. I just switched and I'm thrilled. #gmail

This is doomed to fail. Who is going to pay that kind of money for a DivX?

Thanks all.

I've had an iphone for only a few days but I think I want to Jailbreak it.

Sleep more, study less. If you are feeling tired, have a nap. Anything that you read while forcing your eyes open isn't going to stick anyway. I dream about whatever I am studying.