
I think that the only way Kia can pull this off is with stellar design. So they have to try and keep the design more "concept" like, which should make the whole car look more expensive. Premium design+quality materials.

I live outside the US, but I've got a question. I don't know if your advice can be helpful in Europe.


I have seen this awesome photo some time ago in the comments section. (he also wrote about basic rules of photography... or basic camera setup when taking a photo or something like that)I remember the pics because they were really beautiful to look at. I also remember that there was a shot showing the back end of the

Yeah... But even the "Extra Anti-Shock" wasn't enough for my parents old Russian Lada and all the shitty roads in the country.

yup... you are right! Shopping for CDs, choosing, borrowing... Great stuff!

Dude, take it easy... Not everyone is that old. But we are getting close :D

I used my Panasonic portable CD player through high school. But this thing had anti-shock memory!!! :)

yup... sorry... it's a inline 5.

Ok, thanks. Get well soon so that we can watch more rubber meet it's maker!

Awesome. Are you going to do a review of it?

Thanks! Still, can wait to see a full review.

Wow... love it. Since I too am interested in buying such a fine machine some day (but a diesel V5... because Europe).

I had this as a kid:

I like this thing. I know a lot of people won't, but it's weird and different and I think it looks cool. No word from Audi on production plans yet, but I think we can anticipate a greenlight pretty soon.

In my country, eastern Europe, there are a lot of DUI checkpoints during the weekend. But you have to take into account that a lot of people here drive drunk and don't think about the consequences... Why? A lot are under-educated and just aggressive pricks. Also, they drive very fast and aggressively... recklessly.

I agree with you. But, again, the same today is with gadgets and all things that are manufactured. Usually, all the savings end up being bonuses for the management.

Most important thing now is platform sharing. Meaning: production costs. To the "normal", "average" human. Price is the most important thing when thinking about cars. So... for example... to make more cool cars, you need more average cars for people not interested in car culture. To sell more average cars, you need to

Nice review. I'm from Europe, and would love to buy an Ecoboost convertible. I really don't need a V8 in my country where petrol is almost 6.5 USD for 1 US gallon. If some business stuff I work on turns out like I would love it to (but now it's just a wish:( )... There's me with a new car sometime next year.

I agree completely. I'm from Europe too, and I have noticed the difference.