
It sounds like you have made up your mind based on money and color. The way you say that make you just as bad as those that make blanket saying for people that are different from themselves.

The problem is not race, in my opinion. It is the fact that poor white people vote like they are wealthy, because they believe if that one idea or lottery ticket hits, they will be.

sad not to see Floigan Bros on here

But, what if he is lying.  So he will miss the debates he is so bad at, and when he recovers easily, it will show his supporters that there is no reason to fear covid.  I know I sound like a conspiracy theory nut, but I would not put anything past that man.

What about when the trigger jams, I am really into the game and squeeze too hard and my $60.00 controller with the cool functions breaks?

This should be a collection of all three remastered.  I would pay good money for that, but full priced remaster of 3 I don’t know.

It is sad, I hope they can go back to the idea.  I sounded right up my alley.

I WANT TITANFALL 3, but all they are probably allowed to work on is Apex.

This is what you get for not paying attention to the road.  It is not a Tesla problem it is an idiot problem.  Self driving cars still arent a thing yet.

Is or will this be on xbox. I have one xbox as my home console my son uses and one I sign into so we can play game together. Will definitely purchase if this is available there.

That is how we lose freedom.  Just because a few use their freedom to do bad things, then maybe that freedom should be taken away.  I was on your side until this one..   Sorry, I think you are wrong.

I bet this same “moral” piece of crap is a trump supporter.

Why does this not make people furious? First they leave out a ton of pokemon and people are raging. Now they charge for DLC that should have been in the game to begin with and people are ok with this.

Your side mirrors are supposed to be directed at your “blind spots” not the rear of your vehicle.  You have a “rear view” mirror just for that.

Just pushing everything out so they can have a copy of them on the new systems.

Capitalism is not in and of itself that way. It is people and companies that abuse the freedoms of capitalism. That is why government oversight is need, but now that anyone can give as much money as they want to campaigns, the companies and uber wealthy also get to decide policy and enforcement.

I know is sounds weird, but My sons were very afraid after the local school stated shooting drills.

I am a Chad, thank you very much, but she should rot in jail for this... It is murder. Had he gone into her home and shot her the police most likely would have made sure he never made it to trial.

Even in today’s society, it should still be innocent until proven guilty.  Lately it has the pendulum has swung from women not being believed at all to men not being believed at all.  How about we let the cops and courts work it out.

I wish the graphics looked like the cutscenes/anime art.  I am tired of all the “pixel” games.  But its still looks fun