I want V-day LOVE...365 days a year. I’m thankful for whatever gift comes from the heart. I spoil you...you spoil me. There’s no competition...just love. I’d be happy just cooking our favorite foods together & watching some goofy movies.
I want V-day LOVE...365 days a year. I’m thankful for whatever gift comes from the heart. I spoil you...you spoil me. There’s no competition...just love. I’d be happy just cooking our favorite foods together & watching some goofy movies.
were racially motivated and typical of how white people will do whatever it takes when black people get too close.
In the video, Cross can be heard continuing to rant, saying to Fenton, “Yes, I used the word ‘fucking’ if you haven’t heard it before. Except for your fucking son who’s dating a fucking nigger.”
Just Ranting Again! So Excuse Me
Hell most of don’t want to even see any evidence that our parents are having sex...with each other.
Replacing “#BlackLivesMatter” was “#BlackHistoryMonth.”
Smh schools act like they’re their own separate government. They hide corruption & keep it to themselves. When they say investigate...they mean procrastinate until the parents give up seeking justice for their child. And innocent kids suffer.
My thing always is: “Why say something titillating NOW? Richard Pryor was among us from 1940-2005. This would have been a good memory to discuss with Richard while he was STILL HERE. Richard wasn’t shy about sex. It doesn’t even matter who he slept with...the question is what are you gaining by telling? Banking off…
I always catch myself side eyeing directors based on the contents of their movies...because it sometimes shows their true personalities. They direct what they can’t have/do...in real life. Directors have access & power over some of the most beautiful women in the world and they can easily be treated like puppets.…
Just Ranting Again lol!
Ain’t going to lie when I saw the Quincy Jone’s headline...I thought he must have died. Then I looked again & said aww snap Quincy just reached the age of...I don’t care what I say anymore lol! My have several aunts & uncles who were born with that tell all gift...they don’t wait til’ they get older. And they most…
We had dark skin artists...before black records execs got greedy.
It’s sad that I’m not really surprised. I’ve heard of squatters stealing a place to live. And a few years ago I remember hearing that a man went to visit family or just came back from the hospital to find that his house was gone...because someone hateful decided to bulldoze it.
We are not quite sure when the pledge or National Anthem became the patriotism litmus test
My thing is until 45's fan base starts feeling hurt & hurt so much that they forget about that racism they enjoy...this truth won’t matter to them. They’ll just say the media is picking on their beloved president again...with facts.
Maya Angelou said it best “When You Know Better...You Do Better.” And the people who purposely left the horrors of slavery out of the American history books & the good ole boys who created schools and it’s curriculum made sure the...white kids wouldn’t know any better.
Un-break his heart Toni...in 7whole days...say you’ll let him love you again...7whole days a week...unblock his account!
Mrs. Cummings I would have went all Nat Turner or Amistad on your behind.
Smh...America ain’t nothing but a horror movie...the Hills Have Eyes, Miss Evers Boys, Silence of the Lambs mess. After awhile they’re going to start chaining up women, raping them & impregnating them. Which won’t be a stretch because that’s the same thing they did to the slaves.
The men you’re meeting, let’s be real: they want ass because there is no reason to be connected to anyone you don’t see as your equal, let alone human.