“It’s time for you gentlemen to start adjusting to your new life,” Mendoza said.
“It’s time for you gentlemen to start adjusting to your new life,” Mendoza said.
I’ve never grabbed a woman I wasn’t intimate with by any body part, but I have in fact had my dick grabbed out of the blue in front of a room full of people by a woman I had never met before that moment.
I appreciate you answering...but your answer still doesn’t justify the questions. I understand that men aren’t always confident...
She also states that pointing out racism in the photo isn’t her way of thinking.
All I know is regardless if you’re a man, woman, boy or girl...you’re a person. People need to treat people with respect.
Yeah money changes things to some degree but ultimately money won’t save a black person from racism. People will always see skin color before dollar signs.
He doesn’t appear to dispute the facts of the case and has been unrepentant about his racism. In fact, after being convicted for violating the noose law—but before he was sentenced—Turner was arrested a second time for posting a sign on his lawn that read “Nigger lives don’t matter. Got rope?”
And giving the crooks what they want won’t always stop them from killing you. I’ve heard too many cases where cashiers were still murdered...after they gave them the money. Saddest cases were where the elderly couldn’t even fight back...and still were murdered.
Something I heard when I was younger that always stuck with me.
I’m heterosexual and a little in between & falling off the edges of “demisexual & sapiosexual “ But I may have some other stuff going on not listed above lol!
She also states that pointing out racism in the photo isn’t her way of thinking. Basically Mango is of the ilk that if she doesn’t care, why should we?
That’s a blessing to have those great photos. I hope you’ll find more info too.
Oh goodness I had some of the same experiences lol! I’m like who the heck are we? I started searching for my great granddaddy back when Ancestry.com first started...never found anything. Then I got lucky & disturbed, I finally found him & my grandma & her 3 or her sisters...but their last names were completely…
I’ve tried researching my family too & always hit dead ends. I’m just like you I knew my great granddad was here...because I’m here now, so where is he? Did the census taker skip my folks? It’s really sad when the dead end is so close. I found info in the 1880 census & was only able to guess by the ages, which…
What’s so hard for guys to understand that they don’t need to touch a woman that they are interested in...period. Your touch is not needed. Especially when you first meet a woman. If you like a woman...just talk to her. Women like to talk & if she’s not interested...move on. And if you like a woman at your job...ask…
This made me think of the Pregnancy Pact from a few years ago.
The rapist should have been sentenced to prison for life...in the first place. They always get out & reoffend. They even have victims before the 1st victim is found.
I get mixed feelings when I hear that 2018 is the Year of Resistance. On one hand I feel yes people are going to stand together against hate & greed, they’ve finally woke up. But that feeling soon fades because the resistance should have come along time ago...before the majority started feeling threatened.
There was a phrase mentioned late last year during the rise of the MeToo Movement where many men were being called out for only saying...”I’m a father so I can’t imagine someone treating my daughter like this.” Like those men didn’t see rape as wrong or a problem...until they had daughters.