The only thing that surprises me is the fact that people haven’t declared that the dead kid’s participation in an “illegal video game gambling ring” made him a thug that deserved to die.
The only thing that surprises me is the fact that people haven’t declared that the dead kid’s participation in an “illegal video game gambling ring” made him a thug that deserved to die.
When I read it, I started asking myself questions & wondered why didn’t the trained police ask them too. It only took me 2minutes to read this story to ask myself those questions.
Maybe hold them to higher standards from now on?
I read about this case yesterday on Twitter and I wished that the comments had shocked me. There were so many people that didn’t hold the police all. They actually didn’t believe that the police had the responsibility to assess the situation first. They were perfectly ok with the police opening fire…
Maybe when his “supporters” and their children begin to die at astronomical rates, will Trump get his big bloated head out of his ass.
I’ll admit when I hear about people getting scammed with the ole’ “send me $500 and I’ll send you $700"...I don’t feel sorry for you because you’ve let your greed get the best of you. Because I’ll hear one case say the folks lost $100,000 trying to get $20,000 more & be like...$100,000 wasn’t good enough?
“Black people are trash; they need to die,” she can be heard saying in the video. As the girl speaks, she pans the camera to her friend, who appears to go wide-eyed in shock before giggling at the remarks.
Pissed off again at another evil killing but scratching my head nonetheless.
Rest in Heavenly Peace Mrs. Recy Taylor
I just want better...for everybody. If the man upstairs blesses you with the opportunity to do better...I don’t want you to mess it up. Whatever gets thrown at you...I want you to rise above it. I don’t want you to start climbing the ladder & start back stepping because somebody behind you is distracting you...don’t…
I do!
“Unattainable beauty” just stuck out at me. That’s how I see the beauty industry. Even before photoshop the beauty industry was plastering on pounds of makeup over already beautiful faces. Nobody’s beauty, white, black, asian, latina etc...was good enough. Most of the time when I see the before & after photo of a…
Well I don’t believe in following people, just Jesus...because they can lead you anywhere. I believe in following “a message” you trust. Because your leader may lead you astray & it’s usually to feed their own selfish needs. You don’t need to put all your hope into an imperfect person, you have to lead yourself.
This brought up a conversation between me & my white classmates from high school about how they love to point the finger at BLM. They’re usually the ones who holler All Lives Matter...when they’re not getting enough attention.
“I knew that man was very unstable. I knew he had a very, very dark side. I didn’t know it was this dark.”
Everytime I hear a tragedy like this I always wish some psychiatrist would explain what drives a person to do it...because I just don’t get it.
So sick how police will just decide whom...they want to be a criminal vs catching the actual criminal. Why are there cases where they won’t find any evidence or a suspect...then close the case vs. making an innocent person their scapegoat. Just doesn’t make sense...if you don’t know who did it...keep looking. The real…
It always amazes & sickens me at how weak the mind can be.
“A Shift in Focus: Actresses call for change in the way many stories are told.”
I’d rather they had to pass a human decency test than have a mandatory retirement age. Age & term limits wouldn’t even be an issue if bad people weren’t admitted in the first place. Could have solved a lot of problems if they had to pass morals test before running for elections. Better yet...lead by example...most of…