It’s messy. Their lack of honesty often leads to multiple people getting hurt.
It’s messy. Their lack of honesty often leads to multiple people getting hurt.
“You can’t do good and be poor at the same time,” Millender testified. “You can’t help the poor and be poor; it makes no sense.”
Well that’s part of my point about the 7deadly sins, most people don’t learn about them. Every action we make is driven by something, if someone’s driven by the 7deadly sins, they’ll do...wrong. If people can eliminate those 7sins within themselves they’ll do better...but you have to recognize them first...most don’t.
When I think of sex workers it’s just makes me feel & worry sorry for them. I always wonder what happened in your past to cause you to take this road. I fear that you were forced into it. I question whether you were abused as a child. Were you on the verge of homelessness or already homeless? Where’s your family? Do…
Goes deeper than that. I think mistreating people in general is an error in human nature, not just the American way. Anybody who indulges in the the seven deadly sins can fall prey to it. You did remind me of something my dad taught me, he said when someone does you wrong or hurts you, don’t make excuses or accept…
Seeing the slavemasters rape their mothers, sisters, daughters & wives...should have made them treat their women better.
Gotta stay away from those sodas, they ain’t nothing but diabetes injections & kidney killers.
Sexual harassment isn’t the biggest problem...respecting women in the first place is.
I wish more used their voice like him.
Yep, evil doesn’t start overnight. It grows with help from those who are complicit & enjoy the benefits from evildoing. And sometimes evil gets away with some much coming up thru the years that it gets elected to ...Speaker of the House, Congress & President.
Something else very telling about me, just watch the news with some men & witness the lack of outrage...when a woman gets raped. It’s complete silence! Now let the news say their favorite team lost...they lose it. Let the news say traffic’s backed up, flights are canceled or a dog got hit...they go crazy...but not…
Yes! I’ve been noticing how rape is portrayed on tv & movies. The rapist almost always acts like he’s creepily seducing & asked perverted questions, first then when the woman rebukes him & tries to get away...he changes to, “well I’ll just take it then.” Then the films where it’s a close acquaintance will do the exact…
I might be the only one who has felt this way but the MeToo Movement had alot of MenMeToo’s coming forward who made me ill. I don’t hear well meaning from them...I hear shut up so I can talk, you’re getting too much attention.
Oh goodness this reminded me of this old show “That’s My Mama.” Anyways the lead character Clifton’s mama says “You need to stop having fun and having a good time...& get married”lol!
Can’t say I’ve known anyone to trade church for African spirituality...but I’ve known many to trade or turn away from church.
I get the craziest reactions from females when I say I’m single. They’ll complain to me about their straying baby daddies, cheating husbands & never plan on committing boyfriends...but I’m the one who they say isn’t happy. My aunt told me for one they believe you have to have a man to be happy. Two...they want you to…
Thanks & Congratulations to You!
I’m single’s not my time yet.
Yes! I’m delighted when the bad guy loses. If you’re’re just wrong...I hope you get your comeuppance. You worked hard to get it & I want you to have it. Let karma bite your behind too.
One of the first things I always hear when a rapist or sexual harasser is accused or being brought to just is...but what about his job?....what about all of his hard work?