
Monica? I bed she’d still give him a tumble.

“The right thing” is to say “shut the fuck up about something that’s wholly unimportant in the election of 2016.”

You’re a dipshit.

Especially when interrupted by a group of shrieking African American “protesters.”

in a way that can only be categorized as “peak cis white mansplain.”

Going on four years of therapy, thank you.

Somebody offering to buy you a drink or telling you to smile isn’t “assault.”

3. THEN!!!!!! if they DO decide to go through with it, the WOMAN alone (NOT the couple, or the man...just the woman, per the bil) is financially required to pay for funeral / cremation services for the aborted fetus.

You’re an idiot.

The cost of disposal will only be passed on to the woman if the abortionist passes the cost on to the woman.

imposes unconstitutional restrictions on women seeking abortions and their health care providers

You’re not familiar with Anna Merlan’s “work,” obviously.

People exercising their rights to Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly?

As fucked up emotionally and mentally as you are, I’m only half sure you’re offering to bring cupcakes with pictures of the (mythical) band members, and not actually offering to decapitate musicians and put their face-skin in a batch of cupcakes.

Anna Merlan is incompetent and dishonest, so it’s difficult to know which aspect to blame here.

Did it every occur to you shit-stains that the market for things like this ISN’T “creepy misogynists” but people with significant, crippling mental health issues and/or personality disorders? Introverts, people on the autism spectrum, etc?

I’m happy with the idea of guys who want women to be dolls without free will getting to own ACTUAL dolls without free will, and leaving real women alone.

I also think this will wonder into the field of child sex robots and I just can even go there.

In my entirely unqualified opinion, sex robots of an actual human being who has not consented to have a sex robot made of her/him are unethical, creepy, and really borderline a violation

You’re not well.