
Love how she tries to blame the Democrats for this ridiculous policy of her administration.

It’s going to enrage me watching people get all buddy-buddy with her once she leaves.

She will be just another in a long line of people who went out of their way to fuck this country and everyone in it and not only not be held accountable, but rewarded for it.

We are talking about adults. Cutting off contact with the kidnapper will not force her daughter to start loving her bio mom and more likely will do the opposite. Unfortunately, DNA is not some magical “connector,” and to her daughter, she is a stranger. They need therapeutic help to heal not the bio mom going to press

No. Not for everyone involved. That bitch that kidnapped her should be forced into a “no contact” institution. She is victimizing that woman still. The girl has Stockholm syndrome in the worst way and I can empathize with her pain, but the State has custody of the other woman. They are complicit in causing pain to an

I have a friend who was shopping at Ralphs (a grocery store in LA) in the valley. She said the manager was watching her like a hawk. She goes to the cashier line, with the manager still watching her, and sees a white woman push a cart full of groceries that she hadn’t purchased out of the store and to a car.

Chalkasians, alabastards, gossamites (new one); whatever you wanna call them...they can not cope in any situation related to folks of color. The (un)funny thing of it all is at the same time, they are the most intrusive motherfuckers in the universe. Always where you don’t want them to be.

More than that, most shoplifting is the result of workers and not customers. Stores lose more to their employees than they do to your regular customer.

I’m sitting here like “This women works in a clothing store and one named ‘Fuego’ no less?” lol

Rebeccky lucky Ms. Gamble didn’t turn all the way up and cuss her ass all-the-way out right there in the store...out here lookin’ like a moderately use mop placed atop a trach can.

What the actual fuck is wrong with your country? Seriously.

Racists getting fighty.

Ok, this women and others like her do not want to accept that their inventory loss is due to white folks. Anyone in store security will tell you that middle aged white women, followed by middle teen white girls are the most likely to shop lift. And often the more means they have the more likely they are to shoplift!

Quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of this “apology” crap. The damage has been done.. and been done several million times.. and if your employees need to be told to treat people with basic human decency, then perhaps you are hiring the wrong people to start with.

But it has to be a white guy. If it’s a woman with black men, then the cops are gonna assume she’s being kidnapped or something. Either way, take this star while you iron out the details.

This gives me an idea for an Uber like service called Crakr. Use this app to hire a token white person to hang out with you during times like this to avert any unnecessary suspicion.

He has yet to score

I hope he grows up good enough to make the USMNT. He would of course be playing with a bunch of black and latino players who will undoubtedly say “Yo Barry, your dad was a piece of shit.”