
What is a “trigger warning kinda guy”? Just maybe I’ll leave a suggestion that different people have their own different reasons for wanting to be warned about disturbing content.

Narcissism is a mental illness too :) But yeah idk, people’s brains are weird and different and feelings and motivations are confusing, and all we’ve really got to deal is giving people stuff (drugs, therapy, or otherwise) that will push their motivations more into the realm of average

I don’t follow them super closely so I don’t have all the details, but from the random things I’ve seen, at least one person involved with Knife Party seems like a massive douche

Dude maybe she was just severely depressed and this was a last-ditch effort to try and be happy and it still didn’t work

I don’t get what you’re getting out of labeling her life choices

Toni Lux’s linked article is worth a read if you can handle a detailed description of assault. The assault occurring on a set with other people around is even more frightening, but I’m not that surprised.

I personally try to put an emphasis on showing support, compassion, and care for victims, rather than shouting at the perpetrator - but even then, parts of showing support and care for victims do necessarily include negatively affecting the perp.

I guess the way I think about it is the way I think about my own assault

If you’re saying gender doesn’t matter then you’re denying societal context of violence and domination being exerted on women by men much more often than any other gender combination.

What personally drove me crazy was the whole “Maybe I can change him” phase that Jessica went through when she was in the house with Kilgrave.

Maybe I’ve been around more abusive dickwads than most people, and so I know better than most that they don’t change. Sure. But I don’t believe for a second that Jessica would

wow he sounds like an ass

Or maybe you’re unable to see ones that are there.

Not virtually never, 20% of the time is not never.

Stranger danger may be a low risk in general, but some people live in riskier areas than others. This might also be especially useful in situations where stalking is involved, and a victim needs to alert their contacts in order to get help quickly.

It also can simply be a comfort - even if you are attacked by someone

conflict of interest refers to when a news outlet *won’t* publish bad things about the companies who advertise with them.

Please explain? I can’t figure out at all what it is. Isn’t it weird that there’s an arrow pointing to the right??

Because when you’re in a lab scenario, working from pure starting ingredients, it’s a lot easier to control what goes into the final product than it is when you’re working with something as complicated as a mammal’s biological systems.

You should probably get an idea of what the *actual difference* between lab-grown meat and animal-grown meat is before evaluating whether it’s a good idea to eat it or not. Not whether it sounds appealing or not.

That it’d be cool to get good trans representation in games?

Huh I wonder what the difference is between what GunFlame said and all the examples you cited. I feel like there’s something...

Ouch. That without a sports bra is gonna hurt.