
...And there's people, and more people

You know, Mahindra is probably a good fit for Hummer.

You know, on closer inspection of the Brera (and having not seen one in person) I wonder if the 159 Sportwagon would not have been a better choice:

$25k should build me a very nice single seater in the vein of a '60's era F1 car. Use a nice FWD motor out back for power (KL-ZE, perhaps), tire the snot out of it, and go hunt sport bikes.

I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down!

MOST beautiful has got to be the 8C. Though I believe they are flappy-padle only. Of course, if I had that scratch, I'd just have the boys in Marenello (or, frankly, Torino), send me a proper box, a clutch pedal, and the longer bolt to support said-same pedal.

[click on link]

GAWD! Now I have to rewrite "Little Pink Doughnuts"

I was reading about the CLKGTR last night.

Man the hamsters are hungry today...

Not my place, but consider this a pot shot from north of the border...