The FedEx Pope

BAR’s a grower, for sure. Pitt’s himbo performance is among my favorites of his.

I am now convinced that the secret to a good movie is to let Daniel Craig put on an overcooked Southern accent.

This was dismissed when it came out as “Ocean’s 7-11" (which I’m pretty sure was a joke that they used in the movie itself). My thing is, why is that a knock against it? Redneck Ocean’s 11, you say? Sold.

Now playing

Around the time the sequel came out Lessons from the Screenplay did a thoughtful video that described what exactly the film did right that various disaster / sci-fi movies afterwards didn’t; one of those things was actually having a sense of scope and spectacle (basically, not just tossing off some FX work and

It also works as “the new guy is going to push me out” workplace anxiety.

Apparently, there’s a small thermal exhaust port that leads straight to the reactor system. It’s a crazy design flaw in the system that the wrong guy discovered.

Lemme tell ya a little story about directing. I was supervising reshoots on The Mandalorian. Never once touched my per diem. Went to craft services, got blue milk, some bacon, couple of radishes... Baby Yoda, I had a stew goin!

Next time I watch Forrest Gump, I’m stopping after that scene and pretending it’s the end and making sense of it.

Came here for this comment, was not disappointed.

Bears, Hawks, Sox, Bulls

Jurassic Park: The movie where every scene is its best scene

“Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn’t stop to think if they *should*”

He’s not his son. “Thanks, Dad” was him being sarcastic after getting a paternalistic lecture.

In the book, Grant is described as a “gruff, barrel-chested man of 50.” As you say, love Sam Neill but that’s not really his physique.

But maybe Mike hasn’t seen all of them?

The fact that the CGI for Jurassic Park still holds up 27 years later is amazing. When you see some of the work on other more recent blockbusters, it’s quite stark how good a good Spielberg’s team on this.

“It’s because I was napping at the time!

She’s right. We’re so lame.


The problem with the second definition is how do you separate it from the racist roots of “R&B”.