Nobody blamed Clooney for B&R. Even back in ‘97.
Nobody blamed Clooney for B&R. Even back in ‘97.
You can click the minus sign next to a thread to collapse it (maybe just in Kinjamprove?). However, kinja sorts “popular” by default, so the nerd slapfights will be pushed to the top automatically.
Line of the night for me goes to Richard!
Just reminds how D+D erased my boy Jon Connington.
“Philadelphia 2" If that's your throwaway joke, you have some brilliant writers.
I thought it was: “fuck it, Dracarys, it’s what Benioff wanted”
People keep saying this like hockey is a real sport anybody should care about.
Jon Snow = Buster Bluth confirmed. Tragically, Father-Uncle has been dead for some time.
Ainge is the idiot who, by coyly broadcasting his promise to trade the team’s stock of young players for Davis if only the New Orleans Pelicans would wait until the summer, poisoned and destroyed the fragile internal ecosystem of a team with once-legitimate and now-ruined championship ambitions.
Leave it to the wild-eyed, fratricidal maniac to... proceed cautiously.
The first three books traffic in surprises, but they’re logical and supported by the characters’ personalities and choices. The second two books are full of suprises that mostly come out of nowhere (a new Targaryen!) or that are OBVIOUSLY going to be undone (Jon’s “death”).
Since Qyburn was expelled from Maesterdom because he was exploring “forbidden knowledge,” the argument I’ve seen by some that the Citadel and the Maester order in general is specifically supressing the development of science/etc. to hold onto its monopoly on knowledge is pretty compelling.
I assume the ballistas were built during the same time they were making all those dragon glass weapons in the North.
He was just sitting around, agreeing, and not doing anything about it.
Rationalizing shitty Game of Thrones writing is the new contrarianism.
I thought it was a great analogy for climate change because it shows that at this late stage, we’ll only defeat climate change in our fantasy worlds and basically every ruler is a fucking moron.
no one has any freaking cousins in Westeros
Sure, although I’d rather frame it that it is insane that the tactics in GoT are so bad that even average joe watchers are able to instantly figure out.
Like the Tyrells and the Martells, they are now completely extinct (on the show). You’d think families that survived thousands of years might have produced more offspring (no one has any freaking cousins in Westeros) for just this reason.