The FedEx Pope

Yep, that is driving me nuts. Dany also implied that Jon’s claim is due to his maleness. But that’s absolutely not how it works, it has been established that Westeros generally follows male-preference primogeniture in both the show and books), and the superiority of Jon’s claim is that he is the heir to the heir,

I wonder how a battle between Euron vs a shirtless Ramsay and Ser Twenty of House Goodmen would pan out.

I feel like he could just stroll into Highgarden or the Twins and just take one of the castles. Who’s there to stop him?

I see Bam Magera, but Joshua Jackson works too. Tho in attitude he’s definitely more Bam.

We should have all known that Grey Worm and Missandei wouldn’t get their happy ending once they started making plans to sail to paradise after the war in their new boat, the Live-4-Ever.

I think D&D were just getting nostalgic for all those internet articles a few years back talking about their rape problem.

I think Richard Splett is going to end up on the Iron Throne.

I think it’s like the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry is introduced to a character’s grandfather - a former kamikaze pilot. These were the Dothraki who zigged while the rest zagged. 


He started with a paperclip.

If you read the books, you’ll see that’s how they’ve been known to attack. See Aegon vs. Harrenhall.

Ok, now I want this series to end with Euron switching sides and marrying Dany, just to make the Parks and Rec joke into a prophecy.

I blame CinemaSins for the current wave of misuse/overuse of the term. Among other things.

A trained assassin killing someone is not a deus ex machina.

Wow Mike, I'm detecting some disappointment here. Makes me love you more.

Despite hinting at it, the show technically never got into any of the specifics of the prophesy, like being born “amidst salt and smoke” or under a burning star, so Arya seemingly fulfilled the the series’ version of the prophesy by killing the Night King.

It’s defanged a bit in highlight packages and reruns because they couldn’t use the Van Halen song they originally had as the backing music.

The relentless stupidity of the “Battle of the Bastards was lost by Jon Snow being stupid” cliche is no longer enchanting meta-irony. First of all, the sinister implications in Sansa lying to Jon, who was desperate for men, are ignored. Every indication is that she wanted Jon as bait to lure Bolton out of the castle,

Did you know that Mr. Belvedere sat on his own balls once, and ABC had to stop production for a week?

It’s my favorite Adam Sandler sketch, because he’s not doing anything that screams “This is an Adam Sandler sketch!”